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Physical Education - Courses

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Course Descriptions (2012-2013)

Course Name Course Number Course Grade Length Type
Aquatics PEG407 10-12 36 EL
Ball Control Sports PEG404 10-12 36 EL
Combative Sports PEG408 10-12 36 EL
Conditioning PEG402 10-12 36 EL
Fielding Sports PEG403 10-12 36 EL
Net-Wall Sports PEG405 10-12 36 EL
Nutrition Fit & Well PTZ306 9-12 18 GV
PE-Activity and Nutrition PEN301 9-12 18 GP
PE-Lifetime Sports PEL301 9-12 18 GP
PE-Personal Fitness PEF301 9-12 18 GP
Physical Ed 6 A PEGF01 6 9 MS
Physical Ed 6 AB PEGF03 6 18 MS
Physical Ed 6 B PEGF02 6 9 MS
Physical Ed 6 PEGF04 6 36 MS
Physical Ed 7 A PEG101 7 9 MS
Physical Ed 7 AB PEG103 7 18 MS
Physical Ed 7 B PEG102 7 9 MS
Physical Ed 7 PEG104 7 36 MS
Physical Ed 8 A PEG201 8 9 MS
Physical Ed 8 AB PEG203 8 18 MS
Physical Ed 8 B PEG202 8 9 MS
Physical Ed 8 PEG204 8 36 MS
Rhythmics-Dance PEG409 10-12 36 EL
Target Sports PEG406 10-12 36 EL