Faith Based Initiatives for Offender Reentry-DC Public Safety Television

The topic for the twenty-second television show produced by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is “Faith Based Initiatives for Offender Reentry.  The program is a combined effort of Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships of U.S. Department of Justice and the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.

We currently average 133,000 page views a month.

The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is

The transcript for this television program is available at .

Current Television Program:

The program discusses the power and effectiveness of faith based efforts in community corrections from a national and local perspective.

Participants-first segment:

Eugene Schneeberg, Director of the Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships for the U.S. Department of Justice. Mr. Schneeberg assists the President’s National Fatherhood & Mentoring initiative, assists in the coordination of the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention and serves on the Federal Interagency Reentry Council.

Christine Keels, Supervisory Program Analyst and CSOSA Faith Based Initiative Team Leader

Participants-second segment:

 James Fulmer, CSOSA Faith Based Mentor

Artis Thomas, CSOSA Faith Based Mentee

Please see the website for the Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships for the U.S. Department of Justice . Please see related social media below.

Special Announcements:

A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched yesterday by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

Correctional Social Media:

The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

  1. Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see
  2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at .

The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

We welcome your comments or suggestions at .

The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is .

The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.

Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.


Successful Offenders – “DC Public Safety” Television

“Successful Offenders”  is part of the” DC Public Safety” television series.

Please see for our radio shows. See

This is the  fifteenth edition of “DC Public Safety” television. The program, entitled “Successful Offenders” features discussions with four offenders currently under the supervision of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.

Fifty percent of offenders (per national data) return to prison after three years but 50 percent do not. The production attempts to discover the reasons as to why people under supervision do not return.

Guests for the enclosed program include:

First Segment: Tracy Marlow and India Frazier

Second Segment: Cortez McDaniel and Donald Zimmerman

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

The program is offered by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, a federal executive branch entity in Washington, D.C.

The show is hosted by Leonard Sipes. Timothy Barnes is the Producer.

Transcript available at


Parole and Probation Officers–A Day in the Life

“Parole and Probation Officers” ( A Day in the Life) is part of the “DC Public Safety” television series.

Please see for our radio shows. See

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

“Parole and Probation officers” provides an overview of a “day in the life” of a Community Supervision Officer at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) in Washington, D.C.  CSOSA supervises approximately 16,000 offenders at any given time; this program discusses the challenges and rewards of being a Community Supervision Officer.

The program is offered by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, a federal executive branch entity in Washington,

The show is hosted by Leonard Sipes. Timothy Barnes is the Producer.

Transcript available at

Series Meta terms: Accountability, tours, inter-agency, interagency, crime, criminals, criminal justice, parole,
probation, agent, community, supervision, officer, prison, drug treatment, reentry, police, cooperation, law enforcement.


Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation to Supervise Criminal Offenders

“Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” is part of the “DC Public Safety” television series.

Please see for our radio shows. See

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

The program is offered by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, a federal executive branch entity in Washington,

“Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” provides an overview of inter agency cooperation between the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, D.C. CSOSA partners with MPD and other law enforcement agencies and adjacent states on a wide variety of public safety initiatives. Both agencies conduct over 11,000 “Accountability Tours” to jointly supervise offenders on parole and probation each year.

The show is hosted by Leonard Sipes. Timothy Barnes is the Producer.

Transcript available at

Series Meta terms: AccountabilityTtours, inter-agency, interagency, crime, criminals, criminal justice, parole,
probation, prison, drug treatment, reentry, police, cooperation, law enforcement.


Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation

“Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” is part of the “DC Public Safety” television series.

Please see for our radio shows. See

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

The program is offered by the Court Services and Offender
Supervision Agency, a federal executive branch entity in Washington,

“Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” provides an overview of inter agency cooperation programs that have proven successful with offender supervision and public safety. The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency partners with D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department, other law enforcement agencies and adjacent states.  The Maryland Division of Parole and Probation is featured in this program.

The show is hosted by Leonard Sipes. Timothy Barnes is the Producer.

Transcript available at

Series Meta terms: inter-agency, interagency, crime, criminals, criminal justice, parole,
probation, prison, drug treatment, reentry, police, cooperation, law enforcement.
