
Catching Up with The Curator: Presidential Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt

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Published on Feb 18, 2013

Go inside the White House with White House Curator, Bill Allman, as he gives insight behind President Theodore Roosevelt's portrait in the East Room.

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    Theodore Roosevelt is a legend.

    · 14

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  • therandomsciencegirl

    Kids used to roller skate in a room where bills are now signed. That is so cool!

    · 11

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  • mtklaric

    roosevelt was a historian, war general, wrote 35 books and under his mandate the panama canal was built....what about the last 5,6 presidents?


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  • Becky Stone



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  • JoseCleveland

    Did someone from the Govt

    go on tv Evangelism and pretend

    to be Candise from HUD and then told others to join.

    And now in 2013, it is assumed that she owes money to Russia since Putin was around & finally I had decided it was him & reported him, guards present as well & near

    Buffalo Airport in NY.

    I know that OPM did NOT

    include my Fed. Govt Disability form.


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  • chas ames

    3 people gave a thumbs-down to American history.


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  • cbbundles

    How sweet. My son is doing a pace project on Teddy Roosevelt, then will play him in the living history museum they do at his school. 


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  • Chris H



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    in reply to FR1SKYFR3AK (Show the comment)
  • Sam Coren

    all that is man


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