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Secretarial Visits

November 29 - 30, 2011 - Secretary Clinton to Visit Korea

April 16 -17, 2011 - Secretary Clinton to Visit Korea

  • Secretary Clinton to Travel to Berlin, Seoul, and Tokyo
    Secretary Clinton to Travel to Berlin, Seoul, and Tokyo

    April 11, 2011 - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Berlin, Germany, April 13 to April 15. Secretary Clinton will join foreign ministers from NATO and partner countries for an informal NATO Foreign Ministerial meeting. They will meet separately with Operation Unified Protector and ISAF partners to discuss Libya and Afghanistan as well as counterparts in the NATO-Georgia Commission, the NATO-Ukraine Commission and the NATO-Russia Council.  

July 21-22, 2010 - Secretary Clinton to Visit Korea

  • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Travel to Asia and Afghanistan
    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Travel to Asia and Afghanistan

    July 14, 2010 - In Seoul, Secretary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates will join their respective Republic of Korea counterparts, Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan and Minister of National Defense Kim Tae-young, for a 2+2 meeting to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. Secretary Clinton and Secretary Gates will also meet with President Lee..  

May 20-26, 2010 Secretary Clinton’s Visit to Japan, China, and Korea

  • Secretary Clinton to Visit Japan, China, South Korea
    Secretary Clinton to Visit Japan, China, South Korea

    May 20, 2010 - Washington — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is leading a U.S. delegation on a three-nation East Asia diplomatic mission that will focus on regional security and economic talks and include the developing security situation on the Korean Peninsula.  

Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton With South Korean Foreign Minister Yu

15-22 Feb 09 - Secretary Clinton to Visit Asia

15-22 Feb 09 - Secretary Clinton to Visit Asia

February 20, 2009

Seoul, South Korea

FOREIGN MINISTER YU:  (Via interpreter) – Good morning, everyone.  I am delighted to welcome Secretary Clinton, who is here visiting Korea on her first overseas trip as the Secretary of State.  Today, Secretary Clinton and I shared the view that the ROK-U.S. alliance is a cornerstone for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia and reaffirmed its importance.Full Text




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