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Electronic Truck Manifest Technical Information
Information and training materials for truck carriers and the trade community on electronic truck manifests. Includes ANSI X.12, UNEDIFACT, ACE Secure Data Portal information, as well as information on reports generation.

- Application Procedures for Electronic Truck Manifest Via EDI
- 12/29/2009

Instructions on how to be approved for EDI and how to file an electronic truck manifest via EDI.
- ACE Electronic Truck Manifest Software Developers
- 09/28/2012

A complete list of companies who have developed software applications for ACE electronic truck manifest. Inclusions on this list do not constitute any form of endorsement by CBP.

For Accessibility Information:
ACE Electronic Truck Manifest Software Developers - doc versiondoc - 136 KB.
arrowACE EDI Message Drafts
- 05/19/2011

EDI messages are initial advisories to the trade community regarding new ACE capabilities to aide in advanced planning and budgetary considerations.
- Value Added Networks
- 07/17/2008

Value Added Networks (VANs) offer clients of their networks various communications protocol options such as secure FTP, HTTPS, VPN, and MQ over IP to name a few. Many VANs also offer in-network message translation services to convert data streams to conform with interface requirements of the many CBP Trade systems. VANs connecting to the CBP Trade systems enterprise infrastructure employ Cisco Internet or MPLS VPN with MQ Series Server to Server connectivity.
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Electronic Truck Manifest Technical Information
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 Electronic Truck Manifest Procedural Information
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ACE Web Based Training

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