
UNICOR Home > General Information > Purchasing Made Simple > Purchase-Related Procedures

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Particulary over the last few years, new laws have been enacted. In addition, the FPI Board of Directors adopted resolutions and other adminstrative provisions which impact the application of FPI's mandatory source for items listed in the FPI Schedule of Products. But there's no need to be confused!

Everything you need to know about purchasing from FPI, or the conditions under which outside procurement apply, can be found in the comprehensive, indexed directory which follows.

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Purchase Procedures, Processes, and Related Information Directory


Order from FPI

Request Status

Request Action

Waiver Processing

Appeals Processing

General Information

Purchase Exceptions  Read more ...

The Market Research Process  Read more ...

Applicable Laws  Read more ...

General information Relating to Defense Agency Procurement (Section 811/819)
General information Relating to Civilian Agency Procurement ( Section 637; Omnibus Bill,
General Information Relating to Civilian Agency Procurement (Section 637; Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2005)

FPI Board Resolutions  Read more ...

Updates to this Directory will be posted on a regular basis.
The most recent update was posted on April 15th, 2010.