107th Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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How do I get to Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station?

From the East (Rochester, NY)
West on Interstate 90.
West on Interstate 290/Niagara Falls (Exit 51).
North on Interstate 190/Niagara Falls
Turn off at Packard Road (Exit 23).
Turn right at traffic light.
Continue straight past 4 more traffic lights for aproxmately 1.75 miles at that point it becomes Lockport Road.
Continue another mile, turn right at the main gate.

From the West (Erie, PA)
East on Interstate 90.
North on Interstate 190/Niagara Falls (Exit 53).
Turn off at Packard Road (Exit 23).
Turn right at traffic light.
Continue straight past 4 more traffic lights for aproxmately 1.75 miles at that point it becomes Lockport Road.
Continue another mile, turn right at the main gate.

East on Hwy 405/Bridge to U.S.A.
Cross the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge.
South on Interstate 190.
Turn off at Packard Road (Exit 23).
Turn Left onto Parkard Road.
Continue straight past 5 traffic lights for aproxmately 1.75 miles at that point it becomes Lockport Road.
Continue another mile, turn right at the main gate.

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