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The National Assessment Governing Board is an independent, bipartisan organization that oversees the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card.
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As leaders at all levels make important decisions on education policy and funding, easy access to useful data about student achievement by nation, state, and urban district is important. The Governing Board, whose membership consists of local and state policymakers, provides direct links to results and resources for The Nation’s Report Card.

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The Governing Board created an Ad Hoc Committee on NAEP Parent Engagement, whose recommendations include strategies to increase parent awareness about the urgency to improve student achievement and reduce achievement gaps by race, ethnicity and income levels. We also offer parents a host of information and resources about The Nation’s Report Card and student performance.

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Teachers, principals, researchers and others can explore the many facets of The Nation’s Report Card, which informs us how our students are performing at the national, state, and district level. NAEP results, test questions, frameworks, and instructional factors can be accessed and used. You can even test yourself and your students in important subjects that NAEP covers.

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The economy and the workforce are intricately linked to education quality and job skills training. Recognizing the link, the Governing Board developed a new Business Policy Task Force, which provides input to the Board in shaping policy for NAEP and in expanding outreach to the business community. Discover other resources and programs relevant to industry leaders.

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The Nation’s Report Card is the country’s largest nationally representative assessment, whose results in key subject areas have extensively been covered in print, broadcast and online outlets. NAEP provides not only results from reports but also opportunities for journalists to explore data and background variables to analyze student performance in variety of ways.

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  • Mega-States' Report to be Released Feb. 21 -  Live Event in Sacramento, Calif., and National Webcast

    NAEP Mega States: Feb. 21 Event and Webcast

    The NAEP 'Mega-States' report reveals trends and shifts in reading, math, and science achievement in California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas. Click here to see the press release, report, statements from an expert panel of top state leaders, and other materials and resources from the Feb. 21 release.

  • Three Students Smiling

    New 12th Grade Preparedness Research Report

    Read the Board's new web-based report on more than 30 research studies that examine whether NAEP can be used to report on 12th graders' academic preparedness for college and job training.

  • Video Screenshot of new TEL Video

    New TEL Video

    Ahead of the new NAEP assessment of Technology & Engineering Literacy, watch a new video that explores the importance of this unprecedented national test and the skills it will measure.

  • Governor Musgrove presenting behind a podium

    Preparedness Symposia

    Symposia on the Nation's Report Card and 12th Grade Academic Preparedness are being conducted to highlight the Board's research and receive input from leaders in education, government, business, and civil rights.

    See event transcripts, media coverage and other materials from:
    Tallahassee; JacksonNashville; Boston; and Sacramento

  • Child writing on a chalkboard

    Test Yourself with NAEP

    Find out what kinds of questions the nation’s students had to answer on a variety of subjects that NAEP tests.

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