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Adventure Journal WordPress Theme

Share your adventures with the world!

Adventure Journal is a free, fun, highly customizable theme design that takes full advantage of all of WordPress’s newest features. Adventure Journal allows you to select header art, backgrounds, and a one, two, or three column layout from the comfort of your Dashboard – no coding required!


  • Customizable layout – choose between 1 column, 2 column sidebar right and 2  column sidebar left
  • Custom header graphic – easily upload your own images for the header
  • Custom background graphic
  • Visual editor
  • WordPress  3.0 custom menus
  • Separate sidebars for Pages and Blog Posts
  • Custom font – Volkorn Regular

Works with:

  • IE7,  IE8 & IE9
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari

Designed for WordPress 3.0+


This theme is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2).


Download Adventure Journal from WordPress.org >>

Frequently Asked Questions


> How do I get featured images to replace the site header?

First, go to Appearance > Adventure Journal and ensure the option for Use featured images as custom site header, if available is checked.

Next, navigate to the page or post you would like to set a featured image for. Remove any existing featured image, and click “Set Featured Image”.

Now, upload a new image from your computer to use as the featured image (it must be at least 940px wide). Set the new image as your featured image and everything should work.

Note: If you already have featured images uploaded and they are at least 940px wide but aren’t showing in your header, we’ve heard from numerous users that the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin can miraculously make your featured header images work. Give it a shot!


> Can I disable the Browser Update Helper?

Absolutely. We understand that some people are forced to browse the internet via carrier pigeon and stone tablet, usually by overworked, underpaid corporate IT people… so we’ve included an option for easily disabling this feature. Here’s how:

  1. From your admin, go to Appearance > Adventure Journal
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and uncheck the option Make the web a better, safer place
  3. Click “Save Changes”

That’s it!


> How can I use a different layout on specific pages?

Yes. As of 1.6, several page templates are included for changing the layout of specific pages. Simply edit the page you want to change, and select a new Template item from the Page Attributes box. When you save the page, it will have the layout you specified.

Please keep in mind that not all page templates are compatible with all layouts. If you select page template that contains more columns than your selected Site Layout, the extra sidebars in your page template will be empty.


> How do I remove or delete the paperclipped site title from header graphic?

As of 1.4 this can easily be changed from your site’s admin. Simply navigate to Appearance > Adventure Journal to choose this option.


> How can I make the crinkled paper background show up for ALL the posts not just the stickied posts?

As of 1.5 this can be easily set from your site’s admin. Simply navigate to Appearance > Adventure Journal and choose this option.


> My website seems to be running slowly after I installed the theme, what can I do?

Adventure Journal has been tested extensively on low end and shared web hosts so it’s likely another reason that your site is running slowly. We recommend you read this excellent page on troubleshooting or improving WordPress performance issues.


> How do I adjust the size of the header graphic?

As of 1.4 this can easily be changed from your site’s admin. Simply navigate to Appearance > Adventure Journal and choose this option.


> My category listings are showing &hellip at the end!

This was a bug in AJ 1.4. Please update to AJ 1.5 and this issue should be fixed.

A Note on “Adventure Journal 2.0-wpcom”:

Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2012

We’ve been getting a LOT of support emails about “Adventure Journal 2.0” recently, and would like to help clear things up…

There is no official 2.0 version of Adventure Journal at this time.

“Adventure Journal 2.0-wpcom by Contexture” is not an official release! This is a specially customized version of Adventure Journal that has been tweaked by the awesome WordPress.com team to work with WordPress.com’s free blog hosting (some of Adventure Journal’s advanced features are not compatible with the WordPress.com service). As a result, “2.0-wpcom” has fewer features than the current, official 1.7.2 release.

The official 1.7.2 version is still available and includes all the features you love and rely on. If you have your own web hosting, you can easily install the official version of Adventure Journal from your WordPress admin (see further down for directions).

You may also have acquired the 2.0-wpcom version if you used DreamHost’s deluxe one-click WordPress installer (Dreamhost’s deluxe installer uses only the special, WordPress.com-friendly themes). If you fall into this category, you can easily install the official, full-featured version of Adventure Journal 1.7.2 by visiting your WordPress website’s admin and doing the following:

  1. From your WordPress Dashboard, choose Appearance > Themes
  2. Select “Install Themes”
  3. Type “adventure journal” in the search box, and press Enter on your keyboard
  4. Click the “Install” link under the Adventure Journal image.
  5. In the popup box that appears, click “Install Now”
  6. Click the “Activate” link on the page that appears
  7. You’re all done!

The trick is simply making sure that you are using 1.7.2 if you are hosting your own WordPress website. Although “2.0-wpcom” seems “newer” at first glance, it’s actually a completely different version with fewer features.

Finally, we ARE working on a new version of Adventure Journal, and it is a MAJOR update… so major, that we might release it as a completely new theme called Adventure Journal 2. Stay tuned :-)


Adventure Journal 2 Update!

Posted on Monday, August 20, 2012

You didn’t think AJ was abandoned did you?

So here’s the skinny… we’ve been uhappy with the status quo for WordPress themes for quite a while. They’re messy, poorly coded, and far too reliant on obsolete technologies. To change all that, we’ve been working on a new, developer-oriented theme framework for WordPress. Our goal is to not only dramatically improve the quality of themes, but to fundamentally change the way themes are created.

The new framework, along with a whole accompanying website, is due out by the end of September. The new version of Adventure Journal will launch about the same time (afterward, we’ll be finishing that major overhaul of Page Security). So hang tight, great things are coming!

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857 Responses to Adventure Journal WordPress Theme

  1. Karl Moffatt

    I have the very cool crinkly paper post background set for all posts but it is only appearing on the homepage post and none of the other posts. Any ideas?

  2. Bruce


    We love the Adventure Journal theme and keep watching the comments to see if a new one is coming, but last comment was 6 months ago. We would love to keep AJ if there is a new updated one on the way.


  3. karen corey

    I cannot seem to get all my comments to look the same. Some are on ‘crumpled paper’ and some are not. How do I set ALL comments to look the same? thank you

  4. Taylor

    Hey.. just wondering if Adventure Journal 2 is still being developed and if it will be released anytime soon? Thanks!

    • Contexture


      It’s actually pretty much done, save for a few small things.

      We’re waiting on two things. First, we’re making sure AJ2 is fully compatible with WordPress 3.6. The next version of WordPress has some HUGE improvements that we want to ensure are fully utilized. Second, we’re in the middle of a complete rebuild of our own website. Let’s be honest, it’s badly in need of modernization (it was built before my time, even). We’re going to launch the new versions of both Adventure Journal and Page Security (which is getting renamed) at the same time as our new website.

      Stay tuned, because we’re moving full steam ahead on this stuff. ;-)

  5. George

    Is there a way for the home page to have widgets on the right sidebar? They are on the pages I created but not on the Posts page.

  6. LeeAnn Vick

    I’m currently using your Adventure Journal theme for my web page, have been for ever so long. And I really like it, until just now.

    I’ve been working on my pages, writing, adding and correcting them, when I noticed that a few were no longer available on my menu at the top of my page that used to be there. Odd, they were still all visible on the menu at the bottom of the page.

    I went to the menu page on my dashboard and have been attempting to fix it. Making a custom menu doesn’t seem to have helped. And now the bottom page menu looks like my upper menu, empty save one page, the most recently worked on. But if I put my custom menu in as a widget, then all the pages show up in the widget.

    Can you help solve my problem without me having to upgrade or change to a new theme?

    LeeAnn Vick

  7. Trilby

    The custom header is not accessible as described. It gives four pre-set options but not way of installing my own.

    Id appreciate some help.


  8. Nathalie

    Just wanted to say I LOVE your WP theme. It is very nice. I will eventually change the header ro one of mine, but otherwise just pêrfect.

  9. Kris

    How to remove post information about the author and date. which file? please help me

  10. woodgee

    Is there any News about the Adventure Journal theme Version 2 ?

    • Contexture

      We’re launching it with our own upcoming website redesign ;-)

  11. Wayne Bartelt

    My download of Adventure Journal did not include the Adventure Journal tab under Appearance, consequently I cannot access the feature changes under the Adventure Journal tab. If I reinstall the Adventure Journal theme, the Appearance tabs are still excluded. How can I cure this problem?

  12. Simon

    Hi, as a happy user of the Adventure Journal theme I would like to extract that lovely paper-clipped label that appears on the header image, and use it on my letterheads and business cards.
    Any suggestions how I could create an image file of just the paper-clipped label with my own text in it? A file which I can then use as a separate artwork graphic. Bearing in mind that I am not a programmer, just a simple user of the theme. Thanks.

  13. Paul

    Can I turn off the link to homepage when I mouse over the header photo? The WP menu function leaves a space between drop down menu items. When the mouse hits the space it jumps to the header photo and off the menu. Thank you.

  14. Robb

    This is to answer Michael and anyone else; Perhaps we can help each other as a collective group with utilizing this theme since the developer can’t take too much time answering questions.

  15. Ehran


    Featured images stopped appearing as header images all of a sudden. seems to be connected to the latest updates I ran on the site … used to work well and each post has a featured image that replaces the standard header but now they dont appear anymore… I ve tried the regen thumbs tool but that didnt seem to work either… do you have any suggestion ?


  16. Ingrid Ricks

    Hi there – I’ve been using your theme and really love it. But today a glitch showed up –suddenly my right side bar info doesn’t appear on the home page…instead, it shows up at the bottom even though I have the correct default template selected. It works fine on all the other pages. Any thoughts on how to address this? Thanks!

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