Monthly Archives: September 2012

More Fuel for Fire?

Fire’s been a fact of life for millennia in the South, shaping the range and ecology of pine, certain oak, and palm forests. But along with shrinking polar ice and rising sea levels, there is general agreement among climate scientists that climate change will probably increase both the intensity and frequency of fire in the … Continue reading »

Categories: Climate Change, Fire, Threats | Tags: , | Comments Off

Annual Bugfest Features “Bad Bugs in the Forest”

Where did more than 35,000 moms, dads, children, and their friends go for fun-filled, “buggy” entertainment, activities, and cuisine this year? They all showed up early and stayed late for the 16th annual Bugfest hosted by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, NC. The Southern Research Station (SRS) was a co-sponsor of this year’s … Continue reading »

Categories: Insects and Diseases | Tags: | Comments Off

Updated Guide to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems

“Prescribed burning is FIRE…applied in a skillful manner, under exacting weather conditions, in a definite place, to achieve specific results.” Printed on the inside cover of the newly published Introduction to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems, the sentence above sets the tone for the revised guide developed by Southern Research Station (SRS) scientists Tom Waldrop … Continue reading »

Categories: Fire, Restoration | Tags: | Comments Off