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Final Rule: Rescission of 10-Day Agency Discretionary Period in Assigning Unsatisfactory Safety Ratings

Federal Register: 77FR 64759
RIN: 2126-AB55
Docket #: FMCSA-2012-0262
(What is this?)
49 CFR Part: 385
Publication Date: 10/23/2012
Effective Date: 11/23/2012


Final rule.


The FMCSA amends the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to remove the provision indicating that the Agency will consider a 10-day extension of the 45-day period after which passenger and hazardous materials carriers must cease operation after receiving a proposed unsatisfactory safety rating. The Agency previously discontinued this practice as a matter of policy and now amends the regulation to be consistent with the policy and the statutory language concerning this matter. Although FMCSA will continue to review requests for upgrades of proposed unsatisfactory safety rating for such carriers, the Agency will no longer grant extensions to the 45-day period.
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Examples: RIN 2126-AA78, Exemption

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