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IT Governance
Main Objectives
Governance Boards
Working Groups and Communities of Practice

Working Groups and Communities of Practice

Working Groups

Production Application Change Control Work Group (PACCWG)

  • An advising committee focused on FMCSA’s production systems from an EA, technical, and planning perspective, controlling the rate and pace of change in the IT environments.
  • The PACCWG:
    1. Supports the governance process where necessary and requested.
    2. Manages scope and timing of releases.
    3. Manages assignment and analysis of MRs and defects.
    4. Approves, on behalf of the Director of IT, MRs submitted and reviewed through the eReqs tool and the associated process for implementation.

Enterprise Architecture Council (EAC)

  • A working group focused on organizing business processes and IT infrastructure to reflect the integration and standardization requirements of the Agency’s operating model.
  • The EAC:
    1. Reviews all modification requests for compliance with the current FMCSA Enterprise Architecture.
    2. Reports assessments to the governance boards.

Field IT Steering Group (FITSG)

  • A working group whose primary focus is providing FMCSA field employees’ input for IT investments and related prioritization.
  • The Field IT Steering Group:
    1. Reviews all modification requests that have an impact on the FMCSA Field.
    2. Reports assessments to the governance boards.

Information Management Authority (IMA)

  • A working group focused on data management and data quality issues.
  • The IMA:
    1. Reviews all modification requests for impact on data quality and management.
    2. Reports assessments to the governance boards.

Communities of Practice

CVISN Architecture Configuration Control Board

  • The primary function is to review, analyze, and make recommendations about proposed changes to the CVISN architecture and generate top-level designs. The CVISN Architecture Configuration Control Board is responsible for providing standards and guidance that are used by the governance bodies to assess modification requests.

CVSA Information Systems Committee

  • The primary function includes a focus on information technology that serves the needs of the Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) safety program and supports the CVSA Mission.
  • The CVSA Information Systems Committee:
    1. Reviews all modification requests that have an impact on the State enforcement partners.
    2. Reports assessments to the governance boards.

The DOT CIO Council/Core CIO Group

  • DOT CIO Council – Includes the DOT CIO, DOT Associate CIOs, OA CIOs, Staff, and other interested parties. The focus is on DOT wide IT Infrastructure, cross cutting initiatives, and DOT IT Policy.
  • Core CIO Group – Includes DOT CIO, DOT Associate CIOs, OA CIOs and sub-committee chairs. The work of this group is focused more on the specific needs of the OAs.
  • The DOT CIO Council and the Core CIO Group are responsible for providing DOT-wide standards and guidance that are used by the governance bodies to assess modification requests.

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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts