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Press Releases


Governor Signs Declaration of Emergency

Governor Lincoln D. Chafee today signed a Declaration of Disaster Emergency in advance of the landfall of Hurricane Sandy. The order is effective immediately.

According to RI General Law Section 30-15-9, this declaration provides the Governor with numerous emergency powers such as:

  • directing all state departments, agencies and related boards to cooperate and coordinate with RI Emergency Management Agency efforts.
  • directing law enforcement and environmental authorities to order closures and evacuations of threatened areas as circumstances warrant.
  • activating RIEMA's RI State Urban and Search and Rescue Team if necessary for disaster emergency response.
  • maintaining continuity of all state operations.

The declaration also makes Rhode Island eligible for a variety of federal supports and resources in managing a disaster and subsequent recovery.

Governor Chafee states, "Out of concern for a prolonged and severe weather event, I felt that signing a declaration of emergency today was a prudent decision that will help us deploy important resources if and when the situation requires. Given that predictions for Hurricane Sandy are still changing, I advise all Rhode Islanders to prepare themselves for power outages and other wind- and rain-related hazards."

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Department or agency: Office of the Governor


Release date: 10-28-2012

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