Topics : Health & Human Services

Hours after the Obama administration said it was close to approving Florida's plan to put most of its Medicaid patients into managed care, Gov. Rick Scott endorsed expanding Medicaid under Obamacare -- a move that immediately put him at odds with members of his own party.

  • On Abortion, New York Gov. Cuomo Bucks Trend
  • Bucking a trend in which states have been seeking to restrict abortion, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is putting the finishing touches on legislation that would guarantee women in New York the right to late-term abortions when their health is in danger or the fetus is not viable.

  • Maryland Gov. O’Malley Agrees to Tougher Gun Laws Aimed at Mentally Ill
  • Under the governor’s modified plan, Maryland would adopt a law similar to one passed in Virginia after the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech that would prohibit anyone involuntarily committed to a public or private mental health facility for any length of time from purchasing a gun.

  • New Jersey to Let Feds Run Health Exchange
  • Gov. Chris Christie announced New Jersey will not collaborate with the Obama administration to create a health exchange — the virtual marketplace people will use to shop for insurance policies beginning next year .

  • Wisconsin's Scott Walker Proposes Cutting, Not Expanding, Medicaid
  • Instead of accepting the Medicaid expansion and the billions of federal dollars that would come with it, the governor proposed an ambitious plan to cut the number enrolled in the state Medicaid program by moving some people into the federal-run health exchange, where they can get private insurance.

  • Illegal Immigrants Most Helped by Emergency Medicaid Program
  • Federal law generally bars illegal immigrants from being covered by Medicaid, but a little-known part of the state-federal health insurance program for the poor pays about $2 billion a year for emergency treatment for a group of patients comprised mostly of illegal immigrants.

  • North Carolina Gov. McCrory Supports Bill to Stop Medicaid Expansion
  • A Republican measure to prevent major components of the federal health care law from taking effect in North Carolina will almost certainly be approved after Gov. Pat McCrory endorsed the effort.

  • Child Services Deleted Details of Children's Deaths in Tennessee
  • Someone at the Department of Children’s Services who prepared documents for The Tennessean deleted large portions in the media’s copy of state child fatality records — removing information that should have been made public.

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