U.S. Environmental Solutions Toolkit

This is a mock-up of The Environmental Solutions Toolkit form. It will be a searchable catalogue of selected approaches and U.S. technologies used to address key environmental issues.

The U.S. Environmental Solutions Toolkit is a buyer’s resource guide that marries EPA expertise on solving environmental challenges with a catalogue of U.S. providers of related technologies. Four initial environmental issues have been identified based on their broad applicability for international markets. More areas will be added.

Click on any of the environmental solutions below for a list of participating U.S. providers:

The U.S. Environmental Solutions Toolkit supports the President’s National Export Initiative by fostering export opportunities for the U.S. environmental industry as well as advancing environmental protection goals. The full toolkit, with a comprehensive listing of environmental solutions, will be available in early 2013.

U.S. environmental technology or services companies that would like to be listed as solution providers should send inquires to envirotech@trade.gov.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended to assist foreign buyers seeking to identify U.S. businesses providing technologies designed to solve the designated environmental challenge under which they are listed. Any business in this industry sector may request listing by contacting the International Trade Administration (ITA) at envirotech@trade.gov and submitting the required information. The list is not exhaustive of all U.S. businesses in this sector. Listing does not constitute endorsement of the business or its products, services or technology by the ITA. ITA has performed limited due diligence; but we strongly recommend that you perform your own due diligence, investigation and background research before entering into a commercial relationship with any listed business. We assume no responsibility or liability for the actions users may take based on the information on this website. We reserve the right not to list any particular business.