See Congratulation Letters including one from President George H. W. Bush

Baldrige flags flying to celebrate 25th Anniversary

How the Baldrige Program Began (PDF)

President Reagan with the 1988 Baldrige Award Recipients

President Ronald Reagan poses with 1988 Baldrige Award recipients, from left to right: Robert W. Galvin, chairman of the board, Motorola Inc.; J.C. Marcus, chairman and CEO, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division; Arden C. Sims, president and CEO, Globe Metallurgical Inc.; and U.S. Secretary of Commerce C. William Verity, Jr.

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From left to right: Robert W. Galvin, chairman of the board, Motorola Inc.; J.C. Marcus, chairman and CEO, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division; Arden C. Sims, president and CEO, Globe Metallurgical Inc.; and U.S. Secretary of Commerce C. William Verity, Jr.

ASQ celebrates Baldrige 25th Anniversary


Honoring Our Past. . . Building an Even Better Future

Baldrige Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

Creating a Roadmap to Success and Sustainability

On August 20, 1987, legislation was passed that created the bipartisan Baldrige Performance Excellence Program and its Criteria for Performance Excellence. Today, the Baldrige Program continues to build an even better future as the steward of validated management practices; even better operations, systems, and processes for the thousands of organizations that have adopted the Baldrige Criteria; and even better partnerships for the Enterprise of Baldrige-based state and sector programs, the Baldrige Foundation, ASQ, and the stakeholders who believe in the Baldrige Criteria as a roadmap to success and sustainability.

Read the 25 Ways that Baldrige Adds Value (MS-Word).

Celebrating a Foundation in Excellence

For 25 years, the Baldrige Program has helped build strong, competitive U.S. organizations, and it has been emulated by quality programs worldwide. In a 25th-anniversary congratulatory letter, President George H.W. Bush, writes, “The purpose behind the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award has always been a national purpose—for American organizations to offer products and services that are world-class.” Candice S. Miller, Congressional 10th District, Michigan, writes, “Thank you for your commitment to helping U.S. organizations become more competitive and more sustainable.” Australia, Europe, India, Japan, and Singapore have added their congratulations, too. Even the Reagan library has added to the well-wishes, writing, “Twenty-five years later, Baldrige Award winners continue to exemplify performance excellence and serve as U.S. role models across all sectors of the economy. . . . President Reagan would be proud.”

In addition to congratulatory letters, on this page can be found photos of the Baldrige flag flying proudly with the American flag and photos of Baldrige Award recipients flying their own Baldrige flags. You also can find a history of the Baldrige Program based on recollections of its first director. This page even contains talking points to use and share that explain how the Baldrige Program is building that even better future.

Join us in celebrating 25 years of promoting excellence! And here’s to 25 more years and beyond of the Baldrige Program helping organizations and the U.S. economy grow stronger, more efficient, and more sustainable. The vision and value continue as the Baldrige Program builds an even better future!

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