Posts Tagged With: taxes

Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for 2012

Every fall, Linda Wang, national timber tax specialist, and John Greene, research forester for the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS), prepare tax tips specifically for forest landowners. These tips are published as a Technology Update by Forest Service Southern Region. Federal income tax law contains provisions to encourage stewardship and management of private … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Forest Landowners | Tags: | Comments Off

Help for Forest Landowners: Estate Planning

Family forest owners may use consulting foresters or State extension foresters for advice on the technical details of land management, but many owners shy away from thinking about how best to pass their forest on to the next generation.  Poor estate planning–or no planning at all–can result in a tax bill that requires selling timber … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Ethics & Values, Forest Landowners | Tags: , | Comments Off

Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for 2012

Each fall, Linda Wang, national timber tax specialist, and John Greene, research forester for the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS), prepare tax tips specifically for forest landowners. These tips are published as a Technology Update by Forest Service Southern Region. Federal income tax law contains provisions to encourage stewardship and management of private … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Forest Landowners | Tags: | Comments Off