Tom Carper, U.S. Senator for Delaware

The 9/11 terrorist attacks prompted one of the greatest reorganizations the federal government has seen since World War II and brought to light a number of vulnerabilities that we face both domestically and abroad. Other more recent terrorist attacks here and overseas have reminded us that we cannot let down our defenses. Homeland security must remain a top national priority. We need to ensure that our intelligence and law enforcement officials at every level of government have the resources they need to keep America safe and are able to openly share the information needed to help prevent the next terrorist attack. We also need to be as prepared as we possibly can be for potential disasters, whether natural or man-made.

As a senior member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, I continue to work closely with my colleagues on key legislation to bolster the Department of Homeland Security and to strengthen our nation's transportation systems, borders, critical infrastructure facilities and cyber security. In the 112th Congress, I have introduced legislation focused on protecting our nation from people who want to do us harm, specifically the Aviation Security Innovation & Reform (AIR) Act of 2011 and the Cyber Security and American Cyber Competitiveness Act of 2011.

I am also committed to ensuring that the men and women who keep us safe receive the support and resources they need from the federal government so that they can continue to protect us. The homeland security legislation I helped pass in recent years has made places like the Port of Wilmington more secure, the planes on which we travel safer, and urban areas like Philadelphia and coastal hurrican-prone states like Delaware better prepared for man-made or natural disasters.  

I have also been a strong and consistent supporter of comprehensive immigration reform that is tough, fair, and practical. We should continue to secure our borders not only from illegal immigration, but also from the movement of contraband and narcotics into our communities. In the 112th Congress, we must set politics aside and focus on a sensible way to reform our immigration laws to protect our economic and national security.

While we have certainly come a long way in bolstering our national security since 9/11, there is much more that needs to be done.

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