The Marine Corps Intelligence Leader Development Program (Ka-Bar) will create a context of learning to better understand personal identity, moral purpose, and individual learning dynamics to support the leader's responsibility to the organization and achieve mission.

Program Information
  • In June 2009, the leaders of the Marine Corps Intelligence Community launched a leader development initiative (renamed Ka-Bar) to meet the needs of increased accountability required from the DCIPS performance management system and growing demands and challenges of supervisors within their complex culture the purpose of this program was to prepare new supervisors and other emerging leaders to effectively lead their teams, meet the organization's mission, retain staff, and be prepared for leadership succession.
  • The national intelligence strategy stated, "create a culture of personal, professional, technical, and managerial leadership at all organizational levels within the Intelligence Community (IC) by fostering an ethos of service, integrity, and accountability; creating an integrated IC leadership development model; and treating leadership as an IC resource."
  • The comprehensive certification includes a curriculum that encourages development in areas of organizational leadership competencies such as personnel ethical leadership, critical thinking, and identity formation through self assessment and self-reflection, competencies were customized to the Intelligence Community and their mission in a holistic approach for leader development. In order to achieve desired and sustainable outcomes, a transformational methodology based on adult development and social learning theory, action and experimental learning techniques, and coaching methodologies will be employed. Implementation will leverage a self-directed lifelong learning approach, with a focus on assessment, challenge, support, and accountability.
Participating in Ka-Bar
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Leaders and emergent leaders are eligible to  participate in Ka-Bar. Supervisors, subject matter experts, team leads, and anyone interested in future leadership roles within the Marine Corps Intelligence Community can self-nominate. Supervisors can also nominate candidates.
The Ka-Bar Advisory Group will select up to twelve (12) participants and four (4) alternate participants for each cohort.
Nomination forms are being e-mailed to the workforce. If you cannot locate one, please e-mail the Ka-Bar mailbox at ka-bar@mcia.osis.gov. Fill out the nomination forms and discuss your desire to participate in Ka-Bar with your supervisor. Then e-mail the completed form back to the Ka-Bar mailbox.
Points of Contact

For more information about the Ka-Bar Leader Development Program, contact: