Intelligence Manpower & Training Branch


Intelligence Manpower and Training Branch (IOP) executes HQMC responsibilities concerning Marine Corps management of intelligence manpower, personnel structure, career progression, and training.


  • Coordinate with MCCDC on all intelligence organization and manning issues.
  • Assist in planning augmentation/mobilization of intelligence reserves in exercise support, special projects and real world contingencies.
  • Maintain a central registry of intelligence personnel, including those with an additional military MOS 02XX/26XX, to assist staff agencies in the selection of qualified personnel to assignment to intelligence billets.
  • Coordinate with manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) Directorate on all intelligence MOS personnel staffing issues.
  • Advise M&RA on the acquisition, training and movement of all OCCFld 02XX/26XX/8611 personnel for the Marine Corps.
  • Coordinate IMA, SMCR Units, and IRR working in support of the DIRINT.
  • Coordinate intelligence training and language training input into the Training Input Plan.
  • Coordinate with M&RA regarding intelligence personnel sent to intelligence training.
  • Maintain the central registry of foreign language skilled Marines.
  • Assist in planning the mobilization of language skilled Marines in support of exercises, special projects and real work contingencies.
  • Coordinate with M&RA on retention and promotion issues.
  • Coordinate with M&RA, MCCDC, TFS and major subordinate command advocates to identify and review intelligence billet requirements for adequacy and applicability to Marine Corps needs.
  • Advise M&RA in the establishment of criteria for assignment and voiding of MOS in OccFlds 02XX and 26XX.
  • Coordinate with M&RA to identify, isolate and eliminate any intelligence peculiar problems within the Marine Corps force structure.
  • Review all the programs of instruction for the intelligence courses used to train Marine Intelligence personnel and maintains liaison with Marine Corps representatives at the intelligence schools.
  • Review all intelligence publications and training aids for accuracy and pertinence in coordination with CG, MCDC, Training and Education Division and Director of Headquarters Support.
  • Serve as the principle interface between the Defense Intelligence Agency Office of Training (OT-1), the Director of Naval Intelligence (OP-009R10), National Security Agency (S-354) and the Marine Corps for all Intelligence training matters and Defense Attaché System.
  • Represent the Marine Corps at various training meetings and conferences.
  • Coordinate with M&RA on all languages skill manpower issues.
  • Advise M&RA and TECOM of the acquisition and training of the Marine Corps language program.
  • Coordinate/Manager Foreign language Proficiency Requirement Program.


Intelligence Manpower & Training Branch
Branch Head, Ops & Personnel Branch
02/26 OccField Sponsor
COMM:  703.614.4022 
DSN:  224

  • Deputy, Branch Head
    COMM:  703.614.4005 
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Asst OccField Sponsor
    Company Grade Officers/
    Warrant Officers 0205, 0210
    COMM:  703.614.3489
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Foreign Language Officer
    COMM:  703.614.3938
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • SIGINT OccField Manager/
    Warrant Officers 2602
    COMM:  703-614-3763
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Intelligence Chiefs/
    0291 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  571.256.1994
    DSN:  260
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0211 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0231 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0241, 0261 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 26xx OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.3981
    DSN: 224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 267x OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.6561
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Training Chief
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSNL  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Reserves
    HQMC IMA Detachment Sponsor
    COMM:  703.614.7631
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Intelligence Operations Personnel
    COMM:  703.614.3657
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)