Legal Office / JAG

Provide professional, ethical, accurate, and timely legal advice and services to the commanders, Soldiers, family members, and qualified civilian employees of the USAG-Humphreys Area III Community.

Make an Appointment!

You can make an appointment for legal assistance:

(1) By Phone (DSN 753-6245 or COM 82-31-690-8245), or
(2) In Person (Bldg. 734)

When making an appointment, please provide us with the following: Name, Topic for which you require assistance, Phone number and email address that we can reach you at and the names of other persons involved in the issue (if any).

Eligibility Requirements

Para. 2-5 of AR 27-3 states who is eligible for legal assistance services. Persons normally eligible include service members on active duty and their dependents, retired or disabled service members and their dependents.

While overseas, DoD civilians and their dependents are also eligible.

Proof of eligibility is required upon appointment scheduling or arrival (i.e. military identification card).  If you have questions regarding your eligibility, please contact us or check out AR 27-3 for more information

What to Bring to Your Appointment

  • Your military identification card
  • Any and all documents related to the issue that you are seeking legal assistance for. For example, if you want to receive the 6% interest cap under the Service members Civil Relief Act of 2003, we suggest that you bring:
  • Creditor name and mailing address
  • Account number and current interest rate

Services Provided

• Legal Advice: Legal Assistance matters such as; Divorce/Separation, Adoption, Military Support Obligation, Child Support, Tenant/Landlord issues, SCRA,  Immigration/Naturalization, Dependency, Bankruptcy, Child Custody, Tax Questions, Bar to Re-Enlistment, FLIPL & GOMOR Defense, etc.

• Document Preparation: Power of Attorney (Special or General), Affidavit, Will Documents, Separation Agreements
o Power of Attorney: Document to allow someone to perform an action on your behalf, with you being present. A Special Power of Attorney allows an individual to perform a specific action during your absence. A General Power of Attorney allows an individual to perform ANY action during your absence. (Note: General Power of Attorney documents can be used anywhere, making them harder to revoke. Also, some establishments may refuse to accept them because they are so broad.)
o Affidavit: Can be used to establish the location of your dependants for BAH purposes. (Usually requested by the Finance Office)

• Notarization Services: A notary is available during business hours on a walk-in basis. Original signatures MUST be notarized, so please do not sign any documents until you are in the presence of a notary. Previously signed documents will not be notarized.
o Certified Copies may be obtained at the Legal Assistance Office, but the original document MUST be present. (Note: US Government Identification Cards may not be photocopied, as this is in violation of Title 18, US Code Part I, Chapter 33, Section 701 and is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. *This does not apply to government agencies in the performance of official government business.)

• Claims: Client Legal Services is also the place to go for assistance with filing a claim.  We assist soldiers, civilians, and family members seeking to recover for lost or damaged items during PCS moves.

• General Information: The Legal Office provides brochures on various legal matters, available to the public on a walk-in basis. The brochure board is located on the right side of the wall prior to entering the Client Legal Services waiting area. General information topics include, but are not limited to:
 Divorce in Korea                                      
 Separation Agreements and Divorce
 Military Support Obligation
 Dependency

Total pageloads: 40/220 (31/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 11/23/2010 1:51:50 PM
Date last updated: 2/14/2013 2:49:45 PM