Notwithstanding the many challenges facing our natural 
resources and our environment today, we have reason to be hopeful, 
said Governor O’Malley, for at the end of the day, our problems are 
man-made and so too are the solutions. The hands that have caused 
the harm now have the power to heal.

Smart Green & Growing Tip of the Week

Waiting until the washing machine and dish washer are full will reduce the amount of water you use each month. Only using the machines while they're full will conserve more water and lead to a cheaper bill. Click here to see water-efficient products.

Reclaim the Bay Logo

Reclaim the Chesapeake
Bay Public Awareness Campaign

All of us who live in the Chesapeake Bay watershed are linked to the Bay by many pathways. Whether we live right on the water or miles from the Chesapeake, our actions have a profound effect on the Bay. Learn more...

Maryland Launches Seafood Website

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has launched the official Maryland Seafood website, which not only showcases the Chesapeake Bay’s delicious bounty, but the rich legacy that has evolved from its harvest and enjoyment. Check out to the Maryland Seafood website at, and like it on facebook.

Sign Up Now for Farm-Fresh Local Produce through Community Supported Agriculture Farms

The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) encourages Marylanders to consider joining a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm this year to support local farmers while receiving healthy, fresh produce all summer long. Learn more...

Governor O’Malley Announces Cover Crop Acreage Planted by Maryland Farmers Exceeds Chesapeake Bay Milestone Goal by 17 Percent

Cover Crop Program planted over 414,000 acres of cover crops on their farms this past fall to control soil erosion, reduce nutrient runoff and protect water quality in streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. Learn more...

Office of Governor
Interactive Maps

Green Registry Maryland GPI
AgPrint Plant Trees

  • Recycle
  • Conserve Energy
  • Use Less Water
  • Drive Less - Use Transit
  • Pick Up After Your Pet
  • Dispose of Chemicals Properly
  • Eat Locally Grown Food
  • Install a Rain Barrel
  • Plant a Rain Garden
  • Fertilize Wisely
  • Plant a Tree
  • Volunteer Locally

Watershed Improvement
in Queen Anne's Co.

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