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Geospatial Information

Geospatial Information

The Office of Geographic Information Services (OGIS) at the Research and Innovative Technology Administrations (RITA) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is a national resource for transportation spatial data and analysis that utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS enhancement allows planners and others to visualize large quantities of transportation data, often rendering it more meaningful. GIS helps highlight the transportation system's reach, coverage, modal relationships, key corridors, and relationship to our nation's economic activity and environment.


National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)
NTAD 2011 is complete and available for download only. You can also request an NTAD DVD through the BTS Bookstore. If you have any questions please call Mark Bradford at 202-366-6810.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
The GIS team has created a Internet application that is tracking current ARRA Transportation investments across the US and its territories.  The funding data is updated weekly and is viewable by individual transportation modes.

Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
The FGDC Transportation Subcommittee supports the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) through facilitation of partnerships and coordination of efforts among stakeholders, to define transportation requirements, promote cohesive efforts for data development, database design, standards, and best practices. The Transportation Subcommittee is granted this authority through the current version of the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16 and Executive Order 12906.

Transborder Freight Data Mapping Application
The North American TransBorder Freight Database, available since April 1993, contains freight flow data by commodity type and by mode of transportation (rail, truck, pipeline, air, vessel, and other modes) for U.S. exports to and imports from Canada and Mexico. Users can generate thematic maps dynamically by Ports/States rankings or by States rankings.
