Thursday, February 21, 2013
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ACT strengthens Education and Training links with Russia

120725priezzheva350Mrs Ekaterina Priezzheva, Director of the Department of Education of the Russian Ministry of Defence, visited Allied Command Transformation (ACT) for a round of high-level meetings and briefings on 25 July 2012.

As the leading agent for change within the Alliance and following General Stéphane Abrial's (SACT) visit to Moscow in March 2012 where he met with senior Russian Military and Political figures, ACT is continuing to strengthen existing areas of cooperation with Russia and to identify new areas of mutual interest. Mrs Priezzheva's visit was part of the process of developing "constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation" between ACT and the Russian MOD and aimed, in this case, at sharing NATO's experiences in Education and Training General Abrial said.

This visit to ACT actively promotes the importance of Russia as a strategic partner to the Alliance and contributes to enhancing dialogue and practical cooperation with Russia in ACT focus areas. Mrs Priezzheva's visit to Norfolk highlighted possible opportunities for future cooperation, as well as developing and establishing personal contacts, understanding ACT and, in particular, the roles of Education and Training in NATO.

"Links with ACT are important and useful for the Education Department of the Russian Ministry of Defence", Mrs Priezzheva said during her meetings, underlining the opportunities arising for both ACT and the Russian Ministry of Defence in terms of Education and Training.