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USAID | Afghanistan

From the American People

Afghanistan Infrastructure and Rehabilitation Program (IRP) - Quick Response General Services

Infrastructure (Management and General Services Activities)
March 2009 - August 2011

The Afghanistan Infrastructure and Rehabilitation Program’s quick response task orders address infrastructure project needs that are of short duration, limited scope, and require immediate action.  Like regular task orders, quick-response task orders have separate, stand-alone budgets but fall outside the scope of existing task order authorizations. This mechanism was needed to cover the small-scale, unforeseen, recurring technical support activities that need to be addressed quickly in order to keep larger efforts moving forward.  Small-scale and recurring technical support activities can be considered quick response projects.  Examples of services include geotechnical services, environmental assessments, technical studies, social assessments, economic studies, and bidder or contractor prequalification.

Fact Sheet IRP Quick Response FINAL June 2011