Dr. Mary Striegel is responsible for NCPTT’s Materials Conservation Program. Mary came to NCPTT in 1995 from the Getty Conservation Institute. Her past work has included studies of the effects of formaldehyde on inorganic materials, uses of thin-layer chromatography for the analysis of binding media, and applications of digital imaging and technical photography in the analysis of works of art. Mary earned her Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis, where she pursued interdisciplinary research on residual stresses in numismatics.

23 Responses to Mary Striegel

  1. Joe says:

    Read cemetary article/ The use of salt removers like clhor-rid should be recommended for cemetary stones, as well as traditional very thinned lime wash coat for marbles and some granites.

    Also the use of a base of crushed marble gravel under headstones should be encouraged.


  2. Forest Haynes says:

    Hello! WOW you have really made a name for yourself.

  3. Scott Shaver says:

    Mary, heard from my oldest daughter you were trying to get in touch. sshaver@murphyenergy.com

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