Author Archives: Laurie Calvert

From Digital Doubter to Tech Guru

During a speech announcing the Department’s National Education Technology Plan, Secretary Arne Duncan noted that “technology empowers teachers like never before.” Once such teacher is Chicago’s Jennie Magiera. This is her story. “Just bells and whistles.” That’s how elementary math … Continue reading

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Kansas Students Weigh in on Education Reform

A class of freshman and sophomore high school students from Turning Point Academy (Emporia, Kan.) participated in a video teleconference conversation with Department officials this week, to discuss their advice for reforming education in the U.S. Prior to the meeting, … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Students, Teachers | 3 Comments

Beating the Odds (and the Naysayers)

Teachers at the Department of Education were impressed with the Terrel H. Bell principals that we met during this year’s Blue Ribbon Schools National Celebration, but Blaine Helwig, the principal of Graham Elementary School, stood out because he has done what many … Continue reading

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Back-to-School Tour in the News

The Education Drives America bus tour recently stopped in Illinois Kentucky and West Virginia. Check out some of the press coverage from the past few days of the Education Drives America back-to-school bus tour. Lexington, Ky. Jim Shelton spent two … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News | 1 Comment

Back-to-School Tour in the News

On Monday, Secretary Duncan traveled to Denver to visit Lowry Elementary School with Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services, U.S. Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper. In the afternoon, Duncan participated in a … Continue reading

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Back-to-School Tour in the News: Day Two

Visiting Nevada and Utah as part of the Department’s “Education Drives America” back-to-school bus tour, Secretary Arne Duncan, Under Secretary Martha Kanter, Chief of Staff Joanne Weiss, and Assistant Secretary Deb Delisle, along with other Department officials, met with educators … Continue reading

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Teachers and Principals Get Engaged

About 180 teachers, school principals and education advocates convened at the U.S. Department of Education’s headquarters last Friday to make connections and engage in important conversations about how educators will lead the transformation of their profession. With representatives from their … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged | 12 Comments

Summer Seminar Gets Personal

Recently teachers from across the country participated in a summer seminar to grapple with an emerging hot topic in education:  how to personalize learning in a classroom full of diverse students with varying interests, skills and learning styles. The seminar, … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, Innovation, National Education Technology Plan, News, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged | Comments Off

Join ED for Our Teacher Summer Seminars

You are invited! Join ED for our second annual Teacher Summer Seminars. This summer’s seminars–presented by teachers–will consider strategies used by teachers to ensure students’ civil rights in the classroom and to engage them through personalized learning.  The seminars take … Continue reading

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Teachers Thanking Teachers

During Teacher Appreciation Week, we’ve seen videos and read countless Tweets from students and former students thanking a teacher who made a difference for them. Over the last few days, I’ve been struck particularly by the number of excellent teachers … Continue reading

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Viva la Revolution! State Teachers of the Year Advise ED about Teacher Policy

At the end of a week of activities in Washington to honor the accomplishments of the state Teachers of the Year, those teachers engaged in a conversation about how to improve the teaching profession. It began as ten small-group discussions … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Teachers, Teaching Profession, What We Heard | 1 Comment

Keeping REAL-Time at Glasgow Middle

Three years ago, Principal of Glasgow Middle School (Fairfax, Va.) Deirdre Lavery found herself face to face with the classic middle school dilemma: how to make all students in her diverse population feel a part of large school community while … Continue reading

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