Skip to contentU.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration

Toll Facilities in the United States


July 2011

Map of United States

Office of Highway Policy Information
Publication No: FHWA-PL-11-032 - web only publication


This report contains selected information on toll facilities in the United States.

The information is based on a survey of facilities in operation, financed, or under construction as of January 1, 2011.

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Cover page and Abbreviations HTML PDF  
History, Current Policy HTMLPDF 
Data Explanation HTMLPDF 
Fact Sheet HTMLPDF 
Toll Mileage Trends HTMLPDF 
Interstate System Toll Bridges and Tunnels in the United States HTMLPDFExcel
Non-Interstate System Toll Bridges and Tunnels in the United States HTMLPDFExcel
Interstate System Toll Roads in the United States HTMLPDFExcel
Non-Interstate System Toll Roads in the United States HTMLPDFExcel
Vehicle Toll Ferries in the United States HTMLPDFExcel
Other Proposed Toll Facilities HTMLPDFExcel
Appendix HTMLPDF 
Toll Facilities in the United States Listing HTMLPDF 
Bibliography HTMLPDF 

If you have any questions regarding this report you may e-mail us, or you may call 202-366-0175.