Inventors Eye
October 2011, Volume Two Issue Five0

The USPTO's bimonthly publication for the independent inventor community

President Obama signs the America Invents Act September 16 at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Innovation in Alexandria, Va.

President Obama Signs America Invents Act

With several prominent independent inventors on stage and in the audience, President Barack Obama signed the America Invents Act  into law on September 16, 2011. The legislation, which passed with broad bipartisan support in the House and Senate, represents the most significant reform of the U.S. patent system since 1836. “This much-needed reform will speed up the patent process so that innovators and entrepreneurs can turn a new invention into a business as quickly as possible,” President Obama said.

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USPTO Announces New Fees

The USPTO announced its revised fee schedule on September 16, following the America Invents Act being signed into law by President Barack Obama. The enactment of the legislation places a 15 percent surcharge on certain patent fees that became effective September 26, 2011.

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 A lightbulb with a glowing dollar sign inside
spark of genius
USPTO Issues Patent Number Eight Million

On August 16, 2011, the USPTO issued patent number eight million to Dr. Robert J. Greenberg, Kelly H. McClure and Arup Roy for a visual prosthesis that enhances visual perception for people who have lost their sight.

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 David Kappos signing Patent Number 8,000,000
  A patent model of a 19th century patent for a machine for removing insects from plants
What Are the Current Guidelines for Submiting Models with Your Patent Application?

  A calendar
Where Inventors Meet

The National Trademark Expo at the USPTO in Alexandria and more.
  A circle of people icons

Organizations and resources for the independent inventor community.
Inventors Eye: Articles
President Obama Signs America Invents Act
By Richard Maulby : Associate Commissioner of Innovation Development
USPTO Announces New Fees
By Paul Fucito : Office of the Chief Communications Officer
spark of genius
USPTO Issues Patent Number 8,000,000
By Ram Shukla : Office of Innovation Development
What Are the Current Guidelines for Submiting Models with Your Patent Application?
Where Inventors Meet
Organizations for Inventors


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volume two issue one
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