Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority

Designee for the Virgin Islands

Project Components

Technical Assistance:

This proposal provides planning support for two broadband planning initiatives. The goal of the first project is to determine whether smart grid applications can be implemented in the USVI, given its current broadband capacity and shared anchor tenant network. The second project will support planning of the national public safety initiative to provide high speed LTE wireless broadband support to police, fire and EMS personnel at mobile locations.

Data Collection, Integration, and Validation:

This project was originally funded for broadband planning activities and two years of data collection. In September of 2010, this project was amended to extend data collection activities for an additional three years and to identify and implement best practices.

Address File:

VIPFA will begin address file assignment and collection in areas greater than two square miles by year three of the project period. This will be especially valuable because of the current numbering system, which uses a Danish system in some areas and which is non-existent in others. The requested funding covers planning and residence-by-residence assignment of addresses in target areas.

Note: Project description is based on information supplied by the applicant. For more information, please visit State Broadband Data and Development Program
Original Award: 
Supplemental Funding: 
Total Award: 
Data Submissions
Reports and Documents
Award Documents

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