Instrument : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System (NCEPGFS)

Instrument Categories
Derived Quantities and Models

General Overview

Since 2001, NCEP NWP forecasts (global spectral model) have been processed by Hualu Pan at NCEP/EMC and archived by Stephen Krueger at University of Utah to produce station-like column outputs at locations corresponding to the ARM and other field campaign sites. All data from Jan 2001 up to now have been re-processed by Fanglin Yang for easy access, for comparison with ARM observations, and for driving single column models and cloud resolving models.

The archived forecasts include two runs, initialized at 00Z and 12Z, respectively, and each extends up to 48 hours. Because the vertical layer of the NWP model has been changing, the archived vertical profiles on model sigma layers have been projected on both standard isobaric layers ( 1000-25 hPa, at 25-hPa resolution) and standard heights (0-20 km, 250-m resolution). Outputs on original sigma levels are also provided.

The 48-hour forecasts are saved at a three-hour interval, and saved as past 3-hour means for fluxes (radiation, sensible and latent flux, wind stress), as accumulations for snow and rainfall, and as instantaneous values for state and tendency variables (temp and wind etc).

Output Datastreams

  • ncepgfsatkflx : NCEP GFS: flux variables at Atqasuk
  • ncepgfsatkpprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures, at Atqasuk
  • ncepgfsatksfc : NCEP GFS: surface variables at Atqasuk
  • ncepgfsatksprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers, at Atqasuk
  • ncepgfsatkzprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Atqasuk
  • ncepgfsbrwflx : NCEP GFS: flux variables at Barrow
  • ncepgfsbrwpprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures, at Barrow
  • ncepgfsbrwsfc : NCEP GFS: surface variables at Barrow
  • ncepgfsbrwsprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers, at Barrow
  • ncepgfsbrwzprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Barrow
  • ncepgfsdarflx : NCEP GFS: flux variables at Darwin
  • ncepgfsdarpprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures, at Darwin
  • ncepgfsdarsfc : NCEP GFS: surface variables at Darwin
  • ncepgfsdarsprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers, at Darwin
  • ncepgfsdarzprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Darwin
  • ncepgfsflx : NCEP GFS: flux variables
  • ncepgfsmanflx : NCEP GFS: flux variables at Manus
  • ncepgfsmanpprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures, at Manus
  • ncepgfsmansfc : NCEP GFS: surface variables at Manus
  • ncepgfsmansprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers, at Manus
  • ncepgfsmanzprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Manus
  • ncepgfsnauflx : NCEP GFS: surface variables at Nauru
  • ncepgfsnaupprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures, at Nauru
  • ncepgfsnausfc : NCEP GFS: flux variables at Nauru
  • ncepgfsnausprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers, at Nauru
  • ncepgfsnauzprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights, at Nauru
  • ncepgfspprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard pressures
  • ncepgfssfc : NCEP GFS: surface variables
  • ncepgfssprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at sigma layers
  • ncepgfszprof : NCEP GFS: vertical profiles of met quantities at standard heights

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant.
