NCHRP Report 350: Devices in Work Zones

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Prepared: February, 2004
Revised: April 5, 2004

Prepared By
Nicholas Artimovich
FHWA Office of Safety Design
Washington, DC

Crash Testing Guidance

  • National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350 "Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features"
  • Published in 1993
  • Implementation began in 1998
  • Report 350 is guidance for testing

Crash Testing Policy

Report 350 is part of FHWA policy. Federal register announcement in 1993 gave 5 years to implementation. In 1998 FHWA and AASHTO reached agreement on final deadline dates, most of which have now passed.

  • AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals - 1985
  • FHWA Policy Adopted NCHRP Report 350 for National Highway System (NHS) - 1993
  • Millennium MUTCD Extends Crashworthiness to all roads - 2000

If a device has been successfully crash tested by a reputable test house, and certified to have meet the Report 350 Evaluation Criteria, then it may be used whether or not the FHWA has written an Acceptance Letter.

  • FHWA policy now requires crashworthy devices to be used within the clear zone on all projects on the National Highway System.
  • "Crashworthy" means they have met the test and evaluation criteria of Report 350 and/or have received a "Letter of Acceptance" from the FHWA

FHWA Procedures

  • As a service to industry, FHWA reviews crash tested products and issues Letters of Acceptance
  • Devices meeting NCHRP Report 350 guidelines posted on FHWA Safety Web:

Four Categories of WZ Devices

For Additional Information:

Nick Artimovich
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590

Back to Roadside Hardware Work Zone Devices

Program Contact

Brian Fouch
Safety Design Team Leader

(202) 366-0744

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