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Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point

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Cherry Point, North Carolina

Dakota Meyer 'co-pilots’ 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Harrier over Louisville air show

By Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart | Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point | April 26, 2012

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer is fitted in a flight suit April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Meyer was being fitted in order to make sure he had a working suit before flying in a T/AV-8B Harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show.

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer is fitted in a flight suit April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Meyer was being fitted in order to make sure he had a working suit before flying in a T/AV-8B Harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show. (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Marines with Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point conduct daily turnaround inspections on one of the squadron’s T/AV-8B Harriers April 19, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. The squadron did the inspection on the harriers to ensure the aircraft was safe to fly during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer flew in one of the squadron’s harriers during the air show.

Marines with Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point conduct daily turnaround inspections on one of the squadron’s T/AV-8B Harriers April 19, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. The squadron did the inspection on the harriers to ensure the aircraft was safe to fly during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer flew in one of the squadron’s harriers during the air show. (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer tries on an oxygen mask April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Meyer was being fitted and trying on the mask to make sure he had a working suit before flying in a T/AV-8B Harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show.

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer tries on an oxygen mask April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Meyer was being fitted and trying on the mask to make sure he had a working suit before flying in a T/AV-8B Harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show. (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer tests his flight suit on a parachute simulator April 20 aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base, before his flight on a T/AV-8B Harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, provided the harrier for the flight. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.”

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer tests his flight suit on a parachute simulator April 20 aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base, before his flight on a T/AV-8B Harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, provided the harrier for the flight. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.” (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer climbs into a T/AV-8B Harrier April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Meyer was getting into the harrier to get a brief on the cockpit and become familiarized with the aircraft before flying in the harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show.

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer climbs into a T/AV-8B Harrier April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Meyer was getting into the harrier to get a brief on the cockpit and become familiarized with the aircraft before flying in the harrier during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show. (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer is briefed on cockpit emergency procedures and controls for the T/AV-8B Harrier by Lance Cpl. Jacob M. Heaton, an ejection seat mechanic with Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base, prior to Meyer’s flight during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, provided the harrier for the flight. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.”

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer is briefed on cockpit emergency procedures and controls for the T/AV-8B Harrier by Lance Cpl. Jacob M. Heaton, an ejection seat mechanic with Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base, prior to Meyer’s flight during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, provided the harrier for the flight. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.” (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer is briefed on cockpit emergency procedures and controls for the T/AV-8B Harrier by Lance Cpl. Jacob M. Heaton, an ejection seat mechanic with Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base, prior to Meyer’s flight during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, provided the harrier for the flight. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.”

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer is briefed on cockpit emergency procedures and controls for the T/AV-8B Harrier by Lance Cpl. Jacob M. Heaton, an ejection seat mechanic with Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 April 20, aboard Kentucky Air National Guard Base, prior to Meyer’s flight during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21. Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, provided the harrier for the flight. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.” (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer flying in a T/AV-8B harrier with Lt. Col. Robert J. Fails, executive officer of Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21, in Louisville, Ky. VMAT-203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.”

Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer flying in a T/AV-8B harrier with Lt. Col. Robert J. Fails, executive officer of Marine Attack Training Squadron 203, during the Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21, in Louisville, Ky. VMAT-203 provided the harrier for Meyer to fly in during the air show. “This is my first time ever flying in a harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying a jet then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.” (Photo by Lance Cpl. Stephen T. Stewart)

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- From Medal of Honor recipient to Marine co-pilot, Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer flew back seat in a Marine Harrier over his home-state of Kentucky during the 2012 Thunder Over Louisville air show April 21, 2012.

Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point based Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 facilitated the flight in a two-seat training variant of the tactical single-seat Harrier.

“This is my first time ever flying in a Harrier, but I’ve seen Top Gun about a dozen times,” said Meyer. “If Tom Cruise can handle flying in a jet, then I can too. I just hope I don’t throw-up.”

VMAT-203 is the only squadron in the American military that flies the two-seated T/AV-8B Harrier. The training version takes off and lands vertically like its tactical counterpart. The additional seat allows for pilot instructors and students to fly together, something that worked well for Meyer.

Lt. Col. Robert J. Fails, executive officer for the squadron, was at the controls for Meyer’s flight.

“What Dakota Meyer and the medal represent is a big deal for the Marine Corps and for this squadron,” said Fails. “It’s a privilege to fly with Meyer.”

Meyer’s first feel for being a pilot came when VMAT-203 Marines fitted him for his specialized flight suit and gear a day in advance of the air show.

“It was horrible getting fitted and all suited up,” said Meyer. “I don’t envy pilots at all, that gear is uncomfortable.”

Pfc. Jaime A. Cardoza, flight equipment technician with the squadron said he never thought he would ever be suiting up a Medal of Honor recipient.

“It was an honor to meet him,” Cardoza said.

 Growing up in Greensburg, Ky., nearly 80 miles away, Meyer used to watch the air show on TV and he said that “Thunder Over Louisville” was the talk of the town.

“Everyone was always talking about ‘what’s going on at Thunder’,” said Meyer. “It’s a big deal, so it’s going to be awesome to be part of what I always used to watch on TV.”

The squadron Marines supporting the show spent a little time with the Medal of Honor recipient, as many worked with him in preparation for the flight. Lance Cpl. Jacob M. Heaton, an ejection seat mechanic with the squadron, had one-on-one time with Meyer teaching him how to safely arm and disarm the ejection seat and explaining to him the basic cockpit controls.

“It’s not every day that you get to meet a Medal of Honor recipient,” said Heaton. “I feel grateful to be able to work for the air show and support Sgt. Meyer.”

Meyer thanked the Marines of VMAT-203 and said he loves any chance to spend time with Marines.

“I miss being in the Marine Corps more then anything in the world,” said Meyer. “The Marine Corps is by far the greatest institution on the face of the planet.”

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2nd MAW Afghanistan Air Show Cherry Point Dakota Meyer Kentucky Louisville Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 MCAS Medal of Honor

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