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In 2011, the United States will be host to several APEC events such as Senior Officials Meetings (SOMs), Ministerial Meetings, private sector events, the CEO Summit and the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting.  The APEC 2011 USA Host Committee will create opportunities throughout the year to engage with Asia-Pacific business and government leaders.

APEC Ministerial and Leaders Meetings

  • White House Fact Sheet: East Asia Summit
    White House Fact Sheet: East Asia Summit

    November 19, 2011 - At the East Asia Summit (EAS) held on November 19 in Bali, Indonesia, President Obama and other Asia-Pacific leaders discussed the importance of cooperation on the region’s most pressing political and security challenges, including maritime security, non-proliferation, and disaster response. 

  • Remarks at ASEAN Business and Investment Summit
    Remarks at ASEAN Business and Investment Summit

    November 18, 2011 - Thank you so much, and I am so excited about being back here today, and I want to recognize all of the distinguished guests. I know Minister Gita Wirjawan was here, and I know he had to go to a meeting at the – has already left with some distinguished officials. But to all of you public and private sector representatives, organizations, executives from within ASEAN and beyond, it is a great honor for me to be representing the United States. 

  • White House Fact Sheet: U.S. Export Promotion and the Asia-Pacific
    White House Fact Sheet: U.S. Export Promotion and the Asia-Pacific

    November 17, 2011 - As part of the National Export Initiative, President Obama noted that the Asia-Pacific region – with its tremendous economic growth and its large and growing middle class – is a key market for U.S. exports. Those exports are generating jobs in every corner of the United States and across every major sector. They involve some of our country’s largest companies, but also an increasing number of small and medium-sized enterprises. 

  • President Obama’s Opening Remarks at APEC Session One
    President Obama’s Opening Remarks at APEC Session One

    November 13, 2011 - PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everybody. It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you, officially, to the APEC Leaders Meeting. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that the United States has hosted this forum, and it comes at a time when America is very focused on how we can work together in a cooperative, effective way in the Trans-Pacific region.  

  • Fact Sheet: APEC Outcomes on Jobs, Growth, Economic Opportunity
    Fact Sheet: APEC Outcomes on Jobs, Growth, Economic Opportunity

    November 13, 2011 - Under the chairmanship of President Obama, leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum agreed today in Honolulu on a comprehensive set of measures to increase economic growth and job creation by expanding trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region. 

  • Remarks by President Obama at APEC CEO Business Summit Q&A
    Remarks by President Obama at APEC CEO Business Summit Q&A

    November 12, 2011 - MR. McNERNEY: Mr. President, few forums are watched more closely by those of us in the business community than APEC -- testimony to the extraordinary opportunity it represents for both sides of the Pacific Rim. 

  • Fact Sheet on APEC Travel Facilitation Initiative
    Fact Sheet on APEC Travel Facilitation Initiative

    November 12, 2011 - President Obama and the 21 leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic cooperation (APEC) forum will launch this weekend a new “APEC Travel Facilitation Initiative” to make travel across the Asia-Pacific region easier, faster, and more secure. In a first step, President Obama today in Honolulu signed legislation to allow issuance of the APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) to eligible U.S. travelers. The President also announced that the United States is making important progress on bilateral Trusted Traveler cooperation arrangements with the Republic of Korea and Singapore. 

  • Press Availability Following the APEC Ministerial Meetings
    Press Availability Following the APEC Ministerial Meetings

    November 11, 2011 - SECRETARY CLINTON: Good afternoon, everyone. Let me begin by saying how pleased I am to be here in beautiful Honolulu for this APEC Leaders' Meeting and the work that all of the ministers have been doing, and to have a chance to report to you briefly about the extraordinary efforts underway here. 

  • Remarks With Nina Easton of Fortune Magazine at the CEO Summit on Women and the Economy
    Remarks With Nina Easton of Fortune Magazine at the CEO Summit on Women and the Economy

    November 11, 2011 - SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, good afternoon, everyone. First, let me apologize for being late. It has been quite a packed day, and there’s a great deal of excitement and energy and hard work going on. I want to thank Nina and tell her how much I appreciate what she does and what she’s doing today to help highlight a part of the work of the APEC Summit, and something we hope and trust is also of importance to the CEO Summit. 

  • Remarks at APEC Ministerial Kickoff
    Remarks at APEC Ministerial Kickoff

    November 11, 2011 - SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning, everyone. Let me invite you, please, to find your chairs. And we want to get started with this ministerial meeting kickoff, and I’m delighted to join with Ambassador Kirk in welcoming all of the foreign and economic ministers, the officials and representatives from APEC’s member economies, and the international organizations that are here today.