Fact Check

This feature encourages accuracy in the media by correcting common misperceptions and errors of fact when they are brought to our attention. Click here to view the Fact Check Archives.

Boeing Complaint

Several blogs and news outlets continue to mischaracterize the complaint issued on April 20 by the NLRB Acting General Counsel as a ruling of the Board. One outlet today described Board Member Craig Becker as having been a “key player” in the decision to issue the complaint. That is untrue. In fact, the case has not yet come before the Board. As the NLRB Fact Sheet explains, the General Counsel and the Board are separate and independent under the NLRA, with the General Counsel functioning as prosecutor and the Board functioning as a court. The case is scheduled to be tried before an administrative law judge, acting under the Board’s authority. That decision could then be appealed to the Board itself for its decision. (posted 5/6/11)