Digital Coast

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Data Specifications

  • Area of Coverage: Seventy of the approximately 130 estuaries within the conterminous U.S. are available
  • Date(s) Available: Source depth soundings represent data collected from the 1840s to present day
  • Format: DEMs, Shapefile, and KMZ
  • Resolution: 30 meter and three-arc-second available
  • Accuracy: Horizontal positional accuracy is estimated at three meters for the three-meter and three-arc-second DEM. It is estimated that the accuracy of the bathymetric DEMs is two percent of depth or one meter for depths greater than 20 meters and two percent of depth or 0.20 meters for depths shallower than 20 meters.


Estuarine Bathymetry Map, Delaware Bay, DE

Estuarine bathymetry is an interpolated data set representing the most up-to-date depth sounding information available at the time of publication (1998). Seventy of the approximately 130 estuaries within the conterminous U.S. are available. These estuaries represent some of the nation's most important estuaries. The estuaries that are not included were those that had less than 80 percent coverage of the digital sounding data needed to support detailed bathymetric processing.