United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Recently Released Commission Documents for 2011

Commission documents are filed in the collections based on the year issued, not on the release date of the document.  For example, SECY-08-0011 will be listed in the 2008 collection, COMSECY-07-0035 in the 2007 collection and an SRM or CVR associated with a particular SECY Paper will be found in the year that corresponds to the SECY Paper number (e.g. SRM on SECY-08-0001 will be found in the 2008 collection).

Release Date SECY
Description SECY Paper SRM CVR Trans-
12/30/2011 SECY-11-0155 Chairman Jaczko’s Vote on SECY-11-0155 – Proposed Changes to the Enforcement Policy Associated with Construction Activities     PDF Icon  
12/30/2011 SECY-11-0129 Chairman Jaczko’s Vote on SECY-11-0129 – Final Rule: Requirements For Distribution Of Byproduct Material, 10 CFR Parts 30, 31, 32, 40, and 70 (RIN 3150-AH91)     PDF Icon  
12/29/2011 SECY-11-0172 Response To Staff Requirements Memorandum COMGEA-11-0001, "Utilization of Expert Judgment in Regulatory Decision Making" PDF Icon      
12/28/2011   12/22/11 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session       PDF Icon
12/23/2011 SECY-11-0170 Final Rule: Physical Protection of Byproduct Material (RIN 3150-AI12) PDF Icon      
12/22/2011 CLI-11-15 U.S. Department of Energy PDF Icon      
12/22/2011 CLI-11-14 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PDF Icon      
12/22/2011 SECY-11-0177 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 16, 2011 PDF Icon      
12/22/2011 SECY-11-0169 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Implementation Plan for the Radiation Source Protection and Security Task Force Report PDF Icon      
12/22/2011 SECY-11-0145 Final Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
12/22/2011 SECY-11-0163 Reprocessing Rulemaking: Draft Regulatory Basis and Path Forward PDF Icon      
12/21/2011 SECY-11-0142 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0142 – Final Rule: Advance Notification to Native American Tribes of Transport of Certain Types of Nuclear Waste (RIN 3150-AG41)     PDF Icon  
12/20/2011   12/13/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on NFPA 805 Fire Protection       PDF Icon
12/19/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell Issa regarding work environment, values, and culture at the NRC PDF Icon      
12/15/2011 SECY-11-0171 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 2, 2011 PDF Icon      
12/15/2011 SECY-11-0137 Prioritization of Recommended Actions to be Taken in Response to Fukushima Lessons Learned   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
12/13/2011 SECY-11-0145 Commissioner Magwood’s vote on SECY-11-0145 – Final Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment     PDF Icon  
12/09/2011 SECY-11-0097 Denial Of Petition For Rulemaking (PRM-32-6), Association Of State And Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
12/09/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer regarding NRC actions to ensure the safety of Americans from threats posed by nuclear facilities following a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane PDF Icon      
12/09/2011 SECY-11-0145 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0145 – Final Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment     PDF Icon  
12/09/2011 SECY-11-0145 Commissioner Apostolakis’ vote on SECY-11-0145 – Final Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment     PDF Icon  
12/08/2011 SECY-11-0088 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking Requesting Amendments to 10 CFR Part 50 Regarding Decommissioning and Decommissioning Funding (PRM-50-94) PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
12/07/2011   12/13/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NFPA 805 Fire Protection       HTML Icon
12/07/2011   12/13/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on NFPA 805 Fire Protection       PDF Icon
12/06/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 12/01/11 Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity and Small Business Programs   PDF Icon    
12/06/2011   12/01/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Small Business Programs       PDF Icon
12/05/2011 SECY-11-0167 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 25, 2011 PDF Icon      
12/02/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 11/29/11 Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards   PDF Icon    
11/30/2011 SECY-11-0107 Final Rule: Requirements for Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Records Checks for Individuals Seeking Unescorted Access to Nonpower Reactors (Research or Test Reactors) (RIN 3150-AI25)     PDF Icon  
11/30/2011   11/29/11 Commission Meeting: with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
11/29/2011 SECY-11-0107 11/29/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
11/29/2011 SECY-11-0159 Status of the Decommissioning Program—2011 Annual Report PDF Icon      
11/29/2011 CLI-11-13 U.S. Department of Energy PDF Icon      
11/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the impact that Hurricane Irene had on some U.S. nuclear power plants and concerns about the adequacy of existing emergency response requirements PDF Icon      
11/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress enclosing NRC’s Fiscal Year 2011 Performance and Accountability Report PDF Icon      
11/25/2011 SECY-11-0165 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 18, 2011 PDF Icon      
11/22/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to The President enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2011 Performance and Accountability Report PDF Icon      
11/18/2011 SECY-11-0162 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 11, 2011 PDF Icon      
11/18/2011 SECY-11-0156 Feasibility of Including Risk Information in Categorizing Structures, Systems, and Components as Safety-Related or Nonsafety-Related PDF Icon      
11/18/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress submitting the NRC’s semi-annual report on the status of licensing and other regulatory activities PDF Icon      
11/17/2011 SECY-11-0155 Proposed Changes to the Enforcement Policy Associated with Construction Activities PDF Icon      
11/17/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress and Government Accountability Office providing a written statement of action on the recommendations outlined in GAO-11-751, "Personal ID Verification: Agencies Should Set a Higher Priority on Using the Capabilities of Standardized Identification Cards" PDF Icon      
11/17/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding recent events at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station PDF Icon      
11/17/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey responding to questions regarding potential strontium-90 contamination from the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant PDF Icon      
11/16/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding seismic safety at the North Anna Power Station PDF Icon      
11/16/2011   12/01/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Small Business Programs       PDF Icon
11/16/2011   12/01/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Small Business Programs       PDF Icon
11/15/2011 SECY-11-0160 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 4, 2011 PDF Icon      
11/15/2011   11/29/11 Meeting Slides: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
11/15/2011   11/29/11 Meeting Agenda: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
11/15/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Cass R. Sunstein, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), regarding Executive Order 13579, "Regulation and Independent Regulatory Agencies" PDF Icon      
11/14/2011 SECY-11-0152 Development of an Emergency Planning and Preparedness Framework for Small Modular Reactors PDF Icon      
11/14/2011 SECY-11-0151 Annual Update of The Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Plan PDF Icon      
11/10/2011 SECY-11-0140 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0140 – Enhancements to the Fuel Cycle Oversight Process     PDF Icon  
11/10/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 11/01/11 Information Briefing on the Fuel Cycle Oversight Program   PDF Icon    
11/10/2011 SECY-11-0149 Summary Findings Resulting from the Staff Review of the 2010 Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Operating Power Reactor Licensees PDF Icon      
11/09/2011 SECY-11-0076 Improving the Public Radiation Safety Cornerstone of the Reactor Oversight Process   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
11/09/2011 SECY-11-0126 Proposed Rule: Amendments to Material Control and Accounting Regulations (RIN 3150-A-161)   PDF Icon    
11/08/2011 SECY-11-0157 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 28, 2011 PDF Icon      
11/08/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 10/18/11 Briefing on Browns Ferry Unit 1   PDF Icon    
11/08/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 10/21/11 Briefing on North Anna   PDF Icon    
11/08/2011 SECY-11-0148 NRC Participation in the OECD Halden Reactor Project During 2012–2014 PDF Icon      
11/07/2011 SECY-11-0154 An Agencywide Approach to Counterfeit, Fraudulent, and Suspect Items PDF Icon      
11/03/2011   11/01/11 Commission Meeting: Information Briefing on the Fuel Cycle Oversight Program       PDF Icon
11/03/2011 SECY-11-0146 Annual Update on the Status of Emergency Preparedness Activities PDF Icon      
11/02/2011 SECY-11-0137 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0137 – Prioritization of Recommended Actions to be Taken in Response to Fukushima Lessons Learned     PDF Icon  
11/02/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 10/20/11 NRC All Employees Meeting   PDF Icon    
11/02/2011 SECY-11-0145 Final Rule:  AP1000 Design Certification Amendment PDF Icon      
11/01/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey concerning regulatory requirements for the maintenance of emergency diesel generators and batteries at operating nuclear power plants in light of the recent earthquake in Mineral, Virginia PDF Icon      
11/01/2011 SECY-11-0153 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 21, 2011 PDF Icon      
11/01/2011 SECY-11-0106 Final Rule: U.S. Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor Aircraft Impact Design Certification Amendment (RIN 3150-AI84)     PDF Icon  
11/01/2011 SECY-11-0106 11/01/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
11/01/2011 SECY-11-0133 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0133 – Options to Evaluate Requests to Use Discounted Parent Company Guarantees to Assure Funding of Decommissioning Cost for Power Reactors     PDF Icon  
10/26/2011 SECY-11-0107 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0107 – Final Rule: Requirements for Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Records Checks for Individuals Seeking Unescorted Access to Nonpower Reactors (Research or Test Reactors) (RIN 3150-AI25)     PDF Icon  
10/26/2011   11/01/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Fuel Cycle Oversight Program       HTML Icon
10/26/2011   11/01/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Fuel Cycle Oversight Program       PDF Icon
10/26/2011   10/21/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on North Anna       PDF Icon
10/25/2011   10/20/11 Commission Meeting: NRC All Employees Meeting       PDF Icon
10/25/2011 SECY-11-0147 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 14, 2011 PDF Icon      
10/25/2011 SECY-11-0142 Final Rule:  Advance Notification to Native American Tribes of Transport of Certain Types of Nuclear Waste (RIN 3150-AG41) PDF Icon      
10/24/2011   10/18/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Browns Ferry Unit 1       PDF Icon
10/21/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 10/11/11 Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Prioritization of Recommendations   PDF Icon    
10/20/2011 SECY-11-0124 Recommended Actions to be taken Without Delay From The Near-Term Task Force Report   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
10/19/2011 SECY-11-0140 Enhancements to the Fuel Cycle Oversight Process PDF Icon      
10/19/2011 SECY-11-0138 Status of the Accident Sequence Precursor Program and the Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Models PDF Icon      
10/19/2011 SECY-11-0117 Proposed Charter for the Longer-Term Review of Lessons Learned from the March 11, 2011, Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
10/18/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 10/06/11 Briefing on NRC International Activities   PDF Icon    
10/17/2011   10/11/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Prioritization of Recommendations       PDF Icon
10/17/2011   10/21/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on North Anna       HTML Icon
10/17/2011   10/21/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on North Anna       PDF Icon
10/17/2011 SECY-11-0135 Staff Plans to Develop the Regulatory Basis for Clarifying the Requirements in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 21, “Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance” PDF Icon      
10/14/2011 SECY-11-0143 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 7, 2011 PDF Icon      
10/14/2011 SECY-11-0134 Annual Review of the Lessons-Learned Program PDF Icon      
10/14/2011 SECY-11-0133 Options to Evaluate Requests to Use Discounted Parent Company Guarantees to Assure Funding of Decommissioning Cost for Power Reactors PDF Icon      
10/12/2011 SECY-11-0032 Consideration of the Cumulative Effects of Regulation in the Rulemaking Process   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
10/12/2011   10/06/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on NRC International Activities       PDF Icon
10/12/2011   10/12/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
10/12/2011 CLI-11-12 Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corp. PDF Icon      
10/12/2011 CLI-11-11 Pacific Gas and Electric Company PDF Icon      
10/12/2011 SECY-11-0141 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 30, 2011 PDF Icon      
10/12/2011   10/18/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Browns Ferry Unit 1       HTML Icon
10/12/2011   10/18/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Browns Ferry Unit 1       PDF Icon
10/11/2011 SECY-11-0132 Revision of the Criteria for Identifying Nuclear Material Licensees for Discussion at the Agency Action Review Meeting PDF Icon      
10/11/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey regarding safety and security issues at the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station PDF Icon      
10/11/2011   10/12-13/11 Meeting Slides: Hearing on Combined Licenses for V.C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3:  Section 189A of the Atomic Energy Act Proceeding       HTML Icon
10/11/2011   10/12-13/11 Meeting Agenda: Hearing on Combined Licenses for V.C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3:  Section 189A of the Atomic Energy Act Proceeding       PDF Icon
10/06/2011   10/11/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Prioritization of Recommendations       HTML Icon
10/06/2011   10/11/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Prioritization of Recommendations       PDF Icon
10/06/2011 SECY-11-0124 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0124 – Recommended Actions to Be Taken Without Delay From the Near-Term Task Force Report     PDF Icon  
10/06/2011 SECY-11-0117 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0117 – Proposed Charter for the Longer-Term Review of Lessons Learned from the March 11, 2011, Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami     PDF Icon  
10/06/2011 SECY-11-0108 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0108 – Regulation of Chemical Security     PDF Icon  
10/06/2011 SECY-11-0106 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-11-0106 – Final Rule: U.S. Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor Aircraft Impact Design Certification Amendment (RIN-3150-AI84)     PDF Icon  
10/06/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress enclosing the NRC's statement of actions taken in response to recommendations in the GAO Report GAO-11-565, "Data Center Consolidation: Agencies Need to Complete Inventories and Plans to Achieve Expected Savings." PDF Icon      
10/06/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett regarding concerns about the potential threat to U.S. nuclear reactors from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) incident PDF Icon      
10/05/2011 SECY-11-0137 Prioritization of Recommended Actions to be Taken in Response to Fukushima Lessons Learned PDF Icon      
10/04/2011 CLI-11-09 Luminant Generation Company LLC PDF Icon      
10/03/2011   10/06/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on NRC International Activities       PDF Icon
10/03/2011   10/06/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NRC International Activities       PDF Icon
10/03/2011 SECY-11-0136 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 23, 2011 PDF Icon      
10/03/2011 SECY-11-0129 Final Rule: Requirements For Distribution Of Byproduct Material, 10 CFR Parts 30, 31, 32, 40, and 70 (RIN 3150-AH91) PDF Icon      
09/28/2011 SECY-11-0126 Proposed Rule:  Amendments to Material Control and Accounting Regulations (RIN 3150-A-161) PDF Icon      
09/27/2011   09/27/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
09/27/2011 CLI-11-10 Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PDF Icon      
09/27/2011 CLI-11-08 Southern Nuclear Operating Co. PDF Icon      
09/27/2011 SECY-11-0125 Issuance Of Bulletin 2011-01, "Mitigating Strategies" PDF Icon      
09/22/2011   09/27/11 Meeting Slides: Southern Nuclear Operating Co., et al.; Combined Licenses for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4, and Limited Work Authorizations
      HTML Icon
09/22/2011 SECY-11-0089 Options for Proceeding with Future Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities     PDF Icon  
09/21/2011 SECY-11-0089 Options for Proceeding with Future Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Activities   PDF Icon    
09/21/2011   Letter to Senator Jeff Sessions, regarding NRC's response to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima and about reports associated with the agency's activities, signed by Chairman Jaczko PDF Icon      
09/21/2011   09/27-28/11 Meeting Agenda: Hearing on Combined Licenses for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4, and Limited Work Authorizations: Section 189A of the Atomic Energy Act Proceeding       PDF Icon
09/19/2011 SECY-11-0128 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 9, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/19/2011   09/14/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Short Term Actions   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
09/16/2011 SECY-11-0127 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 2, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/15/2011   Letter to Honorable Fred Upton et al, responds to the findings and recommendations of the NRC 90-Day Task Force Report PDF Icon      
09/13/2011   09/09/11 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session       PDF Icon
09/13/2011   09/14/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Short-Term Actions       HTML Icon
09/12/2011 SECY-11-0117 Proposed Charter for the Longer-Term Review of Lessons Learned from the March 11, 2011, Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami PDF Icon      
09/12/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 08/30/11 Information Briefing on Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Related Activities   PDF Icon    
09/12/2011   09/14/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Japan Near Term Task Force Report – Short Term Actions     PDF Icon
09/12/2011 SECY-11-0124 Recommended Actions to be taken Without Delay From The Near-Term Task Force Report PDF Icon      
09/09/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 09/09/11 Affirmation Session   PDF Icon    
09/09/2011 CLI-11-06 Nuclear Innovation North America, LLC PDF Icon      
09/09/2011 CLI-11-05 Union Electric Company
d/b/a Ameren Missouri
AP1000 Design Certification Amendent
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Project, LLC
Detroit Edison Co.
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Energy Northwest
Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. and
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
ESBWR Design Certification Amendment
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.
Florida Power Light Co.
Luminant Generation Co. LLC
NEXTERA Energy Seabrook, LLC
Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
PPL Bell Bend, LLC
Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.
Progress Energy Florida, Inc.
South Carolina Electric Gas Co. and
South Carolina Public Service Authority
Nuclear Innovation North America, LLC
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Valley Authority
Virginia Electric and Power Co.
d/b/a Dominion Virginia Power and
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
PDF Icon      
09/09/2011 CLI-11-07 U.S. Department of Energy PDF Icon      
09/07/2011 SECY-11-0094 Advantages and Disadvantages of Changing the Current Authentication Assurance Level (Level 4) of the National Source Tracking System   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
09/07/2011 SECY-11-0089 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0089 – Options for Proceeding with Future Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities     PDF Icon  
09/07/2011 SECY-11-0123 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 26, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/02/2011 SECY-11-0114 Periodic Assessment of the Activities of the Committee to Review Generic Requirements from June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/02/2011 SECY-11-0121 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 19, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/02/2011 SECY-11-0120 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 12, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/02/2011 SECY-11-0119 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 5, 2011 PDF Icon      
09/02/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the applicability of the recommendations of the NRC Near-Term Japan Task Force PDF Icon      
09/01/2011 SECY-11-0105 Proposed Minor Revision to Management Directive 5.12, "International Nuclear Event Scale Participation"   PDF Icon    
09/01/2011 SECY-11-0105 Proposed Minor Revision to Management Directive 5.12, International Nuclear Event Scale Participation     PDF Icon  
09/01/2011   08/31/11 Discussion of Management and Personnel Issues (Closed – Ex. 2 and 6) – Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
09/01/2011   08/29/11 Discussion of Management and Personnel Issues (Closed – Ex. 2 and 6) – Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
09/01/2011   08/30/11 Commission Meeting: Information Briefing on Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Related Activities       PDF Icon
08/31/2011 SECY-11-0032 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0032 – Consideration of the Cumulative Effects of Regulation in the Rulemaking Process     PDF Icon  
08/30/2011 SECY-11-0053 Final Rule: Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations (10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 52) (RIN-3150-AI10)     PDF Icon  
08/30/2011 SECY-11-0053 08/30/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
08/30/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Jon Runyan regarding NRC actions in response to the June 2011 GAO report entitled “Nuclear Regulatory Commission:  Oversight of Underground Piping Systems Commensurate with Risk, but Proactive Measures Could Help Address Future Leaks” PDF Icon      
08/26/2011 SECY-11-0112 Staff Assessment of Selected Small Modular Reactor Issues Identified in SECY-10-0034 PDF Icon      
08/26/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory  B. Jaczko to Congress regarding actions planned in response to the recommendations identified in GAO report GAO-11-563, “Oversight of Underground Piping Systems Commensurate with Risk, But Proactive Measures Could Help Address Future Leaks” PDF Icon      
08/24/2011   08/30/11 Meeting Slides: Information Briefing on Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Related Activities       HTML Icon
08/24/2011   08/30/11 Meeting Agenda: Information Briefing on Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Related Activities       PDF Icon
08/23/2011 SECY-11-0094 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0094 – Advantages and Disadvantages of Changing the Current Authentication Assurance Level (Level 4) of the National Source Tracking System     PDF Icon  
08/23/2011 SECY-11-0105 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0105 – Proposed Minor Revision to Management Directive 5.12, "International Nuclear Event Scale Participation"     PDF Icon  
08/23/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Jason Altmire regarding the rulemaking on design certification amendment for the Westinghouse AP1000 PDF Icon      
08/22/2011 COMWDM-11-0001/
Engagement Of Stakeholders Regarding the Events in Japan   PDF Icon    
08/22/2011 SECY-11-0115 Staff Statement in Support of the Uncontested Hearing for Issuance of Combined Licenses for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3 (Docket Nos. 52-027 and 52-028) PDF Icon      
08/22/2011 SECY-11-0107 Final Rule: Requirements for Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Records Checks for Individuals Seeking Unescorted Access to Nonpower Reactors (Research or Test Reactors) (RIN 3150-AI25) PDF Icon      
08/22/2011 SECY-11-0105 Proposed Minor Revision to Management Directive 5.12, "International Nuclear Event Scale Participation" PDF Icon      
08/22/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding safety concerns with the AP1000 reactor design PDF Icon      
08/19/2011 SECY-11-0106 Final Rule: U.S. Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor Aircraft Impact Design Certification Amendment (RIN 3150-AI84) PDF Icon      
08/19/2011 SECY-11-0108 Regulation of Chemical Security PDF Icon      
08/19/2011 SECY-11-0093 Near-Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan     PDF Icon  
08/19/2011 SECY-11-0093 Near-Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan   PDF Icon    
08/19/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe regarding NRC undertaking a near-term comparison of U.S. and Japanese regulatory requirements PDF Icon      
08/18/2011 SECY-11-0111 Staff Progress in Resolving Issues Associated with Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria PDF Icon      
08/18/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding NRC actions being taken in response to the recent events in Japan PDF Icon      
08/18/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Bobby L. Rush regarding events at the Dresden Nuclear Power Station PDF Icon      
08/17/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding a recent scram at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and information about all scrams in the U.S. over the past 10 years PDF Icon      
08/17/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding an expansion of the range of issues that are addressed during the nuclear power reactor license renewal process PDF Icon      
08/16/2011 SECY-11-0019 Senior Management Review of Overall Regulatory Approach to Groundwater Protection   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
08/12/2011 SECY-11-0102 Fourth Report on the Status of Reactivation of Construction and Licensing for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 PDF Icon      
08/10/2011 SECY-11-0101 Summary of Activities Related to Generic Issues Program PDF Icon      
08/10/2011 SECY-11-0109 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 29, 2011 PDF Icon      
08/10/2011 SECY-11-0110 Staff Statement in Support of the Uncontested Hearing for Issuance of Combined Licenses and Limited Work Authorizations for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 (Docket Nos. 52-025 and 52-026) PDF Icon      
08/10/2011 SECY-11-0093 Chairman Jaczko’s vote and comments on SECY-11-0093 – Near Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan     PDF Icon  
08/08/2011 SECY-11-0098 Operator Staffing for Small or Multi-Module Nuclear Power Plant Facilities PDF Icon      
08/05/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell Issa providing information related to the submittal of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident to the Commission and ultimately its public release PDF Icon      
08/05/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding request that NRC initiate rulemaking to expedite the shift to dry cask storage for spent nuclear fuel PDF Icon      
08/03/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 07/28/11 Briefing on Severe Accidents and Options for Proceeding with Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities   PDF Icon    
08/03/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Ben Chandler concerning NRC’s compliance with President Obama’s Executive Order 13563, regarding improving regulations and regulatory review PDF Icon      
08/03/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand regarding the planned strike by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 97 at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station PDF Icon      
08/02/2011   07/28/11 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Severe Accidents and Options for Proceeding with Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities       PDF Icon
08/02/2011 SECY-11-0104 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 22, 2011 PDF Icon      
08/01/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 07/19/11 Briefing on the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan   PDF Icon    
07/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Jacob J. Lew, Director, Office of Management and Budget, certifying that the Final Rule, “Alternative to Minimum Days Off Requirements,” has been assessed in accordance with the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 1999 PDF Icon      
07/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding distribution of potassium iodide (KI) to populations living in the zone extending an additional 10 miles beyond the existing 10 mile emergency planning zone near nuclear power plants PDF Icon      
07/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Fred Upton concerning Volume III of the Safety Evaluation Report for the Yucca Mountain application PDF Icon      
07/29/2011 SECY-11-0093 Commissioner Apostolakis' vote on SECY-11-0093 – Near Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan     PDF Icon  
07/28/2011 SECY-11-0039 Final Rule:  Definition of Construction in 10 CFR  Parts 30, 36, 39, 40, 51, 70, and 150     PDF Icon  
07/28/2011 SECY-11-0100 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 15, 2011 PDF Icon      
07/28/2011 SECY-11-0094 Advantages and Disadvantages of Changing the Current Authentication Assurance Level (Level 4) of the National Source Tracking System PDF Icon      
07/28/2011 SECY-11-0039 07/28/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
07/28/2011 SECY-11-0093 Commissioner Ostendorff’s vote on SECY-11-0093 – Near Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan     PDF Icon  
07/26/2011 SECY-11-0096 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 8, 2011 PDF Icon      
07/26/2011   07/28/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Severe Accidents and Options for Proceeding with Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities       HTML Icon
07/26/2011   07/28/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Severe Accidents and Options for Proceeding with Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities       PDF Icon
07/22/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Al Franken concerning the safety of U.S. nuclear power reactors PDF Icon      
07/22/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand regarding the results of the recent inspection at Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 under NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/183, “Follow-up to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station Fuel Damage Event” PDF Icon      
07/22/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congresswoman Lois Capps responding to request that NRC immediately stay the license renewal process for Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2. PDF Icon      
07/21/2011 SECY-11-0073 Staff Proposal to Reintegrate Security into the Action Matrix of the Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Program   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
07/21/2011 SECY-11-0093 Near-Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following The Events in Japan PDF Icon      
07/21/2011   07/19/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan       PDF Icon
07/20/2011 SECY-11-0093 Commissioner Svinicki’s vote on SECY-11-0093 – Near Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan     PDF Icon  
07/20/2011 SECY-11-0093 Commissioner Magwood’s vote on SECY-11-0093 – Near Term Report and Recommendations for Agency Actions Following the Events in Japan     PDF Icon  
07/19/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 07/12/11 Briefing on NRC Actions for Addressing the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Report   PDF Icon    
07/15/2011 SECY-11-0076 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0076 – Improving the Public Radiation Safety Cornerstone of the Reactor Oversight Process     PDF Icon  
07/15/2011 SECY-11-0019 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0019 – Senior Management Review of Overall Regulatory Approach to Groundwater Protection     PDF Icon  
07/14/2011 SECY-11-0092 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 1, 2011 PDF Icon      
07/14/2011 SECY-11-0084 Staff Action Plan to Address the Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission PDF Icon      
07/13/2011   07/12/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on NRC Actions for Addressing the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Report       PDF Icon
07/13/2011 SECY-11-0089 Options for Proceeding with Future Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities PDF Icon      
07/13/2011 COMWDM-11-0001/
Chairman Jaczko’s vote on COMWDM-11-0001/COMWCO-11-0001     PDF Icon  
07/13/2011   07/19/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan       PDF Icon
07/13/2011   07/19/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan       PDF Icon
07/13/2011 COMWDM-11-0001/
Commissioner Apostolakis’ vote on COMWDM-11-0001/COMWCO-11-0001     PDF Icon  
07/13/2011 COMWDM-11-0001/
Commissioner Svinicki vote and comments on COMWDM-11-0001/COMWCO-11-0001     PDF Icon  
07/13/2011 COMWDM-11-0001/
Engagement Of Stakeholders Regarding the Events in Japan PDF Icon      
07/12/2011   07/12/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
07/12/2011 CLI-11-04 Areva Enrichment Services, LLC PDF Icon      
07/08/2011 SECY-11-0087 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 24, 2011 PDF Icon      
07/07/2011 SECY-11-0086 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 17, 2011 PDF Icon      
07/06/2011   07/12/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NRC Actions for Addressing the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Report       PDF Icon
07/06/2011   07/12/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on NRC Actions for Addressing the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Report       PDF Icon
07/06/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell Issa responding to questions regarding the NRC’s Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) review of the accident at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors and the Chairman’s exercise of emergency powers during the accident PDF Icon      
06/29/2011 SECY-11-0027 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences Fiscal Year 2010 PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/29/2011 SECY-11-0073 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0073 – Staff Proposal to Reintegrate Security into the Action Matrix of the Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Program     PDF Icon  
06/29/2011 SECY-11-0053 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0053 – Final Rule: Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations (10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 52) (RIN-3150-AI10)     PDF Icon  
06/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress forwarding the “Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences:  Fiscal Year (FY) 2010” PDF Icon      
06/29/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress submitting the 2010 “Report to Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Commercial Power Reactor and Category I Fuel Cycle Facilities:  Results and Status Update” PDF Icon      
06/28/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey providing reference documents for the medical event records that were provided to Rep. Markey on November 21, 2010 PDF Icon      
06/28/2011 SECY-11-0079 License Structure for Multi-Module Facilities Related to Small Modular Nuclear Power Reactors PDF Icon      
06/28/2011 SECY-11-0078 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Revisions to the Protective Action Guidance Manual PDF Icon      
06/24/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Jim Webb providing information on assumptions used in recommending a 50-mile evacuation for U.S. citizens following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility events PDF Icon      
06/23/2011 COMGBJ-11-0003 Data Collection Regarding Patient Release PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/23/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding the storage of spent fuel and a more rapid transfer of spent fuel from pools to dry storage casks PDF Icon      
06/23/2011 SECY-11-0076 Improving the Public Radiation Safety Cornerstone of the Reactor Oversight Process PDF Icon      
06/21/2011 SECY-11-0039 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0039 – Final Rule:  Definition of Construction in 10 CFR  Parts 30, 36, 39, 40, 51, 70, and 150     PDF Icon  
06/21/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 06/15/11 Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan   PDF Icon    
06/21/2011 SECY-11-0073 Staff Proposal to Reintegrate Security into the Action Matrix of the Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Program PDF Icon      
06/20/2011 SECY-11-0080 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 10, 2011 PDF Icon      
06/20/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Richard Blumenthal responding to questions regarding the storage of spent fuel onsite at U.S. nuclear power plants PDF Icon      
06/17/2011 SECY-11-0058 Proposed Final Policy Statement on the Protection of Cesium-137 Chloride Sources   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/16/2011   06/15/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan       PDF Icon
06/15/2011 SECY-11-0071 Status Report on Power Uprates PDF Icon      
06/15/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress submitting the NRC’s semi-annual report on the status of licensing and other regulatory activities PDF Icon      
06/15/2011   06/15/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan       PDF Icon
06/15/2011   06/15/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan       PDF Icon
06/14/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 06/06/11 Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)   PDF Icon    
06/10/2011 SECY-11-0061 A Request to Revise the Interim Enforcement Policy for Fire Protection Issues on 10 CFR 50.48(C) to Allow Licensees to Submit License Amendment Requests in a Staggered Approach (RIN 3150-AG48)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/10/2011 SECY-11-0077 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 3, 2011 PDF Icon      
06/09/2011   06/06/11 Commission Meeting - Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
06/08/2011   06/02/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Human Capital and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)       PDF Icon
06/08/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 06/02/11 Briefing on Human Capital and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)   PDF Icon    
06/08/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 04/28/11 Briefing on the Status of NRC’s Response to Events in Japan and Briefing on Station Blackout   PDF Icon    
06/08/2011 SECY-11-0068 Lessons-Learned from the Pilot Plant Transition to a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection Licensing Basis PDF Icon      
06/07/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Cass Sunstein, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, enclosing the NRC’s Fiscal Year 2011 Regulatory Plan PDF Icon      
06/07/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer regarding transparency and openness in NRC’s review and evaluation of recent events in Japan PDF Icon      
06/07/2011 SECY-11-0074 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 27, 2011 PDF Icon      
06/07/2011   06/06/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session       PDF Icon
06/07/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 06/06/11 Affirmation Session   PDF Icon    
06/06/2011 CLI-11-03 EnergySolutions, LLC PDF Icon      
06/06/2011 SECY-11-0072 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 20, 2011 PDF Icon      
06/03/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 05/27/11 Briefing on the Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)   PDF Icon    
06/03/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Robert Menendez regarding commercial nuclear power plants in New Jersey and surrounding states PDF Icon      
06/02/2011   05/27/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on the Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)       PDF Icon
05/31/2011 SECY-11-0063 Closing Fire Protection Issues—Semiannual Update-May 2011 PDF Icon      
05/31/2011 SECY-11-0058 Proposed Final Policy Statement on the Protection of Cesium-137 Chloride Sources PDF Icon      
05/31/2011   06/06/11 Meeting Slides: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards       PDF Icon
05/31/2011   06/06/11 Meeting Agenda: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards       PDF Icon
05/31/2011   06/02/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Human Capital and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)       PDF Icon
05/31/2011   06/02/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Human Capital and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)       PDF Icon
05/31/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman John W. Olver regarding decommissioning at Vermont Yankee and support for Vermont Congressional delegation views on decommissioning PDF Icon      
05/31/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Maria Cantwell responding to questions regarding the potential impacts of recent events in Japan on the citizens of the State of Washington PDF Icon      
05/31/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Patrick Leahy regarding how the process of decommissioning could be conducted at Vermont Yankee when it ceases to operate PDF Icon      
05/25/2011 SECY-11-0069 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 13, 2011 PDF Icon      
05/23/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 05/12/11 Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following the Events in Japan   PDF Icon    
05/20/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand regarding NRC completion of the Generic Issue 199 project on seismic hazards PDF Icon      
05/20/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Frank R. Lautenberg regarding nuclear power plants in New Jersey in light of recent events in Japan and their implications for ensuring the continued safety of nuclear power plants in the United States PDF Icon      
05/20/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Richard Blumenthal responding to questions and concerns regarding recent events in Japan and their implications for the continuing safety of nuclear power plants in the United States PDF Icon      
05/19/2011 SECY-11-0065 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 6, 2011 PDF Icon      
05/19/2011   05/27/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)       HTML Icon
05/19/2011   05/27/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)       PDF Icon
05/19/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell E. Issa providing documents generated by the NRC staff on Yucca Mountain PDF Icon      
05/19/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Earl Blumenauer regarding radiation contamination from recent events in Japan reaching the west coast of the United States PDF Icon      
05/17/2011 SECY-11-0064 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 29, 2011 PDF Icon      
05/16/2011   05/12/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following the Events in Japan       PDF Icon
05/13/2011 SECY-11-0061 A Request to Revise the Interim Enforcement Policy for Fire Protection Issues on 10 CFR 50.48(C) to Allow Licensees to Submit License Amendment Requests in a Staggered Approach (RIN 3150-AG48) PDF Icon      
05/13/2011 SECY-11-0024 Use of Risk Insights to Enhance the Safety Focus of Small Modular Reactor Reviews   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/10/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 05/03/11 Information Briefing on Emergency Preparedness   PDF Icon    
05/06/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress regarding Volume III of the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for the Yucca Mountain application PDF Icon      
05/06/2011   05/12/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following the Events in Japan       PDF Icon
05/06/2011   05/12/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Progress of the Task Force Review of NRC Processes and Regulations Following the Events in Japan       PDF Icon
05/05/2011   05/03/11 Commission Meeting - Information Briefing on Emergency Preparedness       PDF Icon
05/04/2011 SECY-11-0060 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 22, 2011 PDF Icon      
05/04/2011 SECY-11-0042 Revisions to Internal Commission Procedures Section on Mandatory Hearings   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/04/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich regarding concerns about recent events in Japan and their implications for ensuring the continued safety of nuclear power plants in the U.S. PDF Icon      
05/02/2011   04/28/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on the Status of NRC Response to Events in Japan and Briefing on Station Blackout       PDF Icon
04/29/2011 SECY-11-0056 Annual Report to the Commission on Licensee Performance in the Materials and Waste Programs Fiscal Year 2010 PDF Icon      
04/29/2011 SECY-11-0024 Chairman Jaczko's vote and comments on SECY-11-0024 – Use of Risk Insights to Enhance the Safety Focus of Small Modular Reactor Reviews     PDF Icon  
04/29/2011 SECY-11-0049 Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes Reporting Structure: Options, Analysis, and Proposed Implementation Plans     PDF Icon  
04/28/2011 SECY-11-0049 Staff Requirements – Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes Reporting Structure: Options, Analysis, and Proposed Implementation Plans   PDF Icon    
04/27/2011   05/03/11 Meeting Slides: Information Briefing on Emergency Preparedness       HTML Icon
04/27/2011   04/28/11 Part 2 - Briefing on the Status of NRC Response to Events in Japan and Briefing on Station Blackout – Security Issues (Closed – Ex. 3) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
04/27/2011 SECY-11-0059 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 15, 2011 PDF Icon      
04/26/2011 SECY-11-0054 Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment for Calendar Year 2010 PDF Icon      
04/25/2011 SECY-11-0053 Final Rule: Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations (10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 52) (RIN-3150-AI10) PDF Icon      
04/25/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 04/19/11 Briefing on Source Security – Part 37 Rulemaking – Physical Protection of Byproduct Material   PDF Icon    
04/25/2011   04/19/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Source Security – Part 37 Rulemaking – Physical Protection of Byproduct Material       PDF Icon
04/25/2011 SECY-11-0055 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 8, 2011 PDF Icon      
04/22/2011 SECY-11-0035 Integrated Plan, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material, Activities and Options for Streamlining the Medical Rulemaking Petition and Rulemaking Processes   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/21/2011 SECY-11-0049 Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes Reporting Structure: Options, Analysis, and Proposed Implementation Plans PDF Icon      
04/21/2011 SECY-11-0033 Proposed NRC Staff Approach to Address Resource Challenges Associated with Review of a Large Number of NFPA 805 License Amendment Requests     PDF Icon  
04/21/2011 SECY-11-0050 Progress Report Regarding Encouraging States and Licensees to Complete National Source Tracking System Credentialing and to Use the System Electronically PDF Icon      
04/20/2011 SECY-10-0033 Staff Requirements – Proposed NRC Staff Approach to Address Resource Challenges Associated with Review of a Large Number of NFPA 805 License Amendment Requests   PDF Icon    
04/20/2011   04/28/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Status of NRC Response to Events in Japan and Briefing on Station Blackout       PDF Icon
04/20/2011   04/28/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on the Status of NRC Response to Events in Japan and Briefing on Station Blackout       PDF Icon
04/15/2011 SECY-11-0051 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 1, 2011 PDF Icon      
04/15/2011 SECY-11-0046 Status of the Regulatory Guide Update Program PDF Icon      
04/15/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer responding to a request that in light of the recent events in Japan, the NRC perform a thorough review of nuclear power plants and provides detailed responses to specific questions PDF Icon      
04/14/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer responding to a request that in light of the recent events in Japan, the NRC perform a thorough review of the Diablo Canyon and San Onofre nuclear power plants and provides detailed responses to specific questions PDF Icon      
04/14/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/29/11 Briefing on Small Modular Reactors   PDF Icon    
04/14/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Jeff Fortenberry responding to a request that the NRC perform a nuclear proliferation assessment for commercial applications for enrichment and reprocessing technologies PDF Icon      
04/13/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe regarding the NRC’s response to the events in Japan and the Chairman’s actions as part of the response to that emergency PDF Icon      
04/12/2011   04/19/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Source Security – Part 37 Rulemaking – Physical Protection of Byproduct Material       HTML Icon
04/12/2011   04/19/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Source Security – Part 37 Rulemaking – Physical Protection of Byproduct Material       PDF Icon
04/12/2011 SECY-11-0044 Fiscal Year 2010 Results of the Industry Trends Program for Operating Power Reactors PDF Icon      
04/11/2011 SECY-11-0042 Revisions to Internal Commission Procedures Section on Mandatory Hearings PDF Icon      
04/11/2011   Letter from Commissioners Svinicki, Apostolakis, Magwood, and Ostendorff to Congressman Darrell E. Issa regarding Volume III of the draft Safety Evaluation Report related to the Yucca Mountain license application PDF Icon      
04/08/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress submitting NRC’s Fiscal Year 2010 Buy American Act Report PDF Icon      
04/06/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the NRC’s Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act of 2002 PDF Icon      
04/05/2011 SECY-11-0045 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 25, 2011 PDF Icon      
04/01/2011 SECY-11-0039 Final Rule: Definition of Construction in 10 CFR Parts 30, 36, 39, 40, 51, 70, and 150 PDF Icon      
04/01/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/21/11 Briefing on NRC Response to Recent Nuclear Events in Japan   PDF Icon    
04/01/2011 SECY-11-0033 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0033 – Proposed NRC Staff Approach to Address Resource Challenges Associated with Review of a Large Number of NFPA 805 License Amendment Requests     PDF Icon  
03/31/2011 SECY-10-0137 Proposed Rule: Requirement for Access Authorization and Physical Protection During Nuclear Power Plant Construction (RIN 3150-AI65)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/31/2011   03/29/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Small Modular Reactors       PDF Icon
03/30/2011   03/31/11 Discussion of Adjudicatory Issues (Closed – Ex. 10) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
03/29/2011 SECY-11-0041 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 18, 2011 PDF Icon      
03/28/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator John Barrasso regarding the uranium recovery licenses in Wyoming now controlled by JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) a Russian corporation PDF Icon      
03/28/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Michael B. Enzi regarding the uranium recovery licenses in Wyoming now controlled by JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) a Russian corporation PDF Icon      
03/25/2011 SECY-11-0035 Integrated Plan, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material, Activities and Options for Streamlining the Medical Rulemaking Petition and Rulemaking Processes PDF Icon      
03/24/2011 SECY-11-0028 Options for Implementing an Alternative Interim Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/24/2011 SECY-11-0023 Jurisdiction for Military Operational Radium-226   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/24/2011 SECY-11-0003 Status of Enforcement Discretion Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/24/2011 SECY-11-0033 Proposed NRC Staff Approach to Address Resource Challenges Associated with Review of a Large Number of NFPA 805 License Amendment Requests PDF Icon      
03/24/2011 SECY-11-0038 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 11, 2011 PDF Icon      
03/24/2011 SECY-11-0034 Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards PDF Icon      
03/24/2011   03/29/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Small Modular Reactors       PDF Icon
03/23/2011 COMGBJ-11-0002 NRC Actions Following the Events in Japan   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/23/2011 COMGBJ-11-0002 NRC Actions Following the Events in Japan PDF Icon      
03/22/2011   03/29/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Small Modular Reactors       HTML Icon
03/22/2011 SECY-10-0140 Options for Revising the Construction Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Program   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/22/2011 SECY-11-0023 Chairman Jaczko’s Vote on SECY-11-0023 – Jurisdiction for Military Operational Radium-226     PDF Icon  
03/22/2011   03/21/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on NRC Response to Recent Nuclear Events in Japan       PDF Icon
03/21/2011   03/21/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NRC Response to Recent Nuclear Events in Japan       PDF Icon
03/15/2011 SECY-11-0014 Use of Containment Accident Pressure in Analyzing Emergency Core Cooling System and Containment Heat Removal System Pump Performance in Postulated Accidents   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/15/2011 COMGEA-11-0001 Utilization of Expert Judgment in Regulatory Decision Making   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/15/2011 SECY-11-0028 Chairman Jaczko’s Supplemental Vote on SECY-11-0028 – Options for Implementing an Alternative Interim Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”     PDF Icon  
03/15/2011 SECY-11-0003 Chairman Jaczko’s Supplemental Vote on SECY-11-0003 – Status of Enforcement Discretion Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”     PDF Icon  
03/15/2011 SECY-11-0036 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 4, 2011 PDF Icon      
03/15/2011 SECY-11-0029 Plan for the Long-Term Update to the Waste Confidence Rule and Integration with the Extended Storage and Transportation Initiative PDF Icon      
03/11/2011 SECY-11-0028 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0028 – Options for Implementing an Alternative Interim Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”     PDF Icon  
03/11/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, providing NRC’s Designation of Agency Representative form as required by Executive Order 13270, “Tribal Colleges and Universities” PDF Icon      
03/11/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress concerning NRC’s actions regarding the Yucca Mountain license application PDF Icon      
03/11/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe regarding concerns about the nuclear power reactor license renewal process PDF Icon      
03/10/2011   03/10/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
03/10/2011 CLI-11-02 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PDF Icon      
03/09/2011 SECY-11-0030 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 25, 2011 PDF Icon      
03/09/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress providing NRC’s Annual Report of the Administration of the Government in the Sunshine Act for Calendar year 2010 PDF Icon      
03/09/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the NRC’s Fiscal year 2012 Congressional Budget Justification PDF Icon      
03/08/2011 SECY-11-0006 Proposed Rule – Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor Design Certification   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/07/2011 SECY-11-0005 Proposed Final Safety Culture Policy Statement   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/07/2011 SECY-11-0028 Commissioner Svinicki’s vote on SECY-11-0028 – Options for Implementing an Alternative Interim Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”     PDF Icon  
03/07/2011 SECY-11-0003 Commissioner Svinicki’s vote on SECY-11-0003 – Status of Enforcement Discretion Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10-CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”     PDF Icon  
03/04/2011 SECY-11-0032 Consideration of the Cumulative Effects of Regulation in the Rulemaking Process PDF Icon      
03/04/2011 SECY-11-0028 Options for Implementing an Alternative Interim Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue” PDF Icon      
03/04/2011 SECY-11-0024 Use of Risk Insights to Enhance the Safety Focus of Small Modular Reactor Reviews PDF Icon      
03/03/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/01/11 Briefing on Reactor Materials Aging Management Issues   PDF Icon    
03/03/2011   03/31/11 Discussion of Management Issues (Closed – Ex. 2) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
03/03/2011   03/01/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Reactor Materials Aging Management Issues       PDF Icon
03/02/2011 SECY-10-0121 Modifying the Risk-Informed Regulatory Guidance for New Reactors   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/02/2011 COMGEA-11-0001 Utilization of Expert Judgment in Regulatory Decision Making PDF Icon      
03/02/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/02/11 Briefing on Groundwater Task Force   PDF Icon    
03/02/2011 SECY-11-0023 Jurisdiction for Military Operational Radium-226 PDF Icon      
03/02/2011 SECY-11-0025 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 18, 2011 PDF Icon      
03/01/2011   02/24/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Groundwater Task Force       PDF Icon
02/28/2011 SECY-11-0006 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0006 – Proposed Rule–Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor Design Certification     PDF Icon  
02/25/2011   02/28/10 Discussion of Management Issues (Closed – Ex. 2) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
02/24/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe, regarding the conduct of the Commission’s mandatory hearings on applications for combined nuclear power licenses issued under 10 CFR 52. PDF Icon      
02/23/2011   03/01/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Reactor Materials Aging Management Issues       HTML Icon
02/23/2011   03/01/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Reactor Materials Aging Management Issues       PDF Icon
02/23/2011 SECY-11-0022 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 11, 2011 PDF Icon      
02/23/2011 SECY-11-0014 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0014 – Use of Containment Accident Pressure in Analyzing Emergency Core Cooling System and Containment Heat Removal System Pump Performance in Postulated Accidents     PDF Icon  
02/23/2011 SECY-11-0003 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0003 – Status of Enforcement Discretion Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10-CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue”     PDF Icon  
02/18/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 02/08/11 Briefing on Implementation of Part 26   PDF Icon    
02/17/2011   02/24/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Groundwater Task Force       HTML Icon
02/17/2011   02/24/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Groundwater Task Force       PDF Icon
02/16/2011 SECY-10-0082 Commissioner Ostendorff’s vote on SECY-10-0082 – Mandatory Hearing Process for Combined License Application Proceedings Under 10 C.F.R. Part 52     PDF Icon  
02/16/2011 SECY-09-0137 Next Steps for Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Variable Annual Fee Structure for Power Reactors PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/16/2011 SECY-10-0082 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-10-0082 – Mandatory Hearing Process for Combined License Application Proceedings Under 10 C.F.R. Part 52     PDF Icon  
02/16/2011 SECY-10-0082 Staff Requirements – Mandatory Hearing Process for Combined License Application Proceedings Under 10 C.F.R. Part 52   PDF Icon    
02/16/2011 SECY-11-0019 Senior Management Review of Overall Regulatory Approach to Groundwater Protection PDF Icon      
02/14/2011 SECY-11-0018 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 4, 2011 PDF Icon      
02/10/2011   02/01/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Implementation of Part 26       PDF Icon
02/09/2011 SECY-11-0002 Proposed Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment (RIN 3150-AI81)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/08/2011 SECY-11-0016 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 28, 2011 PDF Icon      
02/07/2011 SECY-11-0015 Annual Report on Court Litigation (Calendar Year 2010) PDF Icon      
02/04/2011   02/01/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Controls (I&C)       PDF Icon
02/04/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 02/01/11 Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Controls (I&C)   PDF Icon    
02/04/2011 SECY-10-0117 Proposed Rule: Requirements for Maintenance of Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (RIN 3150 AI77)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/04/2011 SECY-11-0014 Use of Containment Accident Pressure in Analyzing Emergency Core Cooling System and Containment Heat Removal System Pump Performance in Postulated Accidents PDF Icon      
02/02/2011   02/08/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Implementation of Part 26       HTML Icon
02/02/2011 SECY-11-0005 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0005 – Proposed Final Safety Culture Policy Statement     PDF Icon  
02/02/2011 SECY-11-0002 Chairman Jaczko’s vote on SECY-11-0002 – Proposed Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment (RIN 3150-AI81)     PDF Icon  
02/02/2011   02/08/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Implementation of Part 26       PDF Icon
01/31/2011   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 01/24/11 Briefing on Safety Culture Policy Statement   PDF Icon    
01/31/2011 SECY-11-0011 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 21, 2011 PDF Icon      
01/31/2011   01/24/11 Commission Meeting - Briefing on Safety Culture Policy Statement       PDF Icon
01/28/2011 SECY-11-0008 2010 Annual Report on Commission Adjudication PDF Icon      
01/28/2011   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the release of patients treated with radioactive materials from hospitals PDF Icon      
01/26/2011 SECY-11-0006 Proposed Rule—Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor Design Certification PDF Icon      
01/26/2011   02/01/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Controls (I&C)       HTML Icon
01/26/2011   02/01/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Controls (I&C)       PDF Icon
01/25/2011 SECY-11-0003 Status of Enforcement Discretion Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, “Managing Fatigue” PDF Icon      
01/25/2011 SECY-11-0009 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 14, 2011 PDF Icon      
01/24/2011   01/24/11 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
01/24/2011 CLI-11-01 Petition for Rulemaking to Amend 10 CFR 54.17(c) PDF Icon      
01/19/2011 COMSECY-10-0007 Project Plan for the Regulatory Program Review to Support Extended Storage and Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/19/2011 SECY-11-0002 Proposed Rule: AP1000 Design Certification Amendment (RIN 3150-AI81) PDF Icon      
01/18/2011   01/24/11 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Safety Culture Policy Statement       HTML Icon
01/18/2011   01/24/11 Meeting Agenda: Briefing on Safety Culture Policy Statement       PDF Icon
01/14/2011 SECY-11-0007 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 7, 2011 PDF Icon      
01/13/2011 SECY-11-0005 Proposed Final Safety Culture Policy Statement PDF Icon      
01/12/2011 SECY-10-0106 Proposed Rule – 10 CFR Parts 2, 51, and 54 “Amendments to Adjudicatory Process Rules and Related Requirements” (RIN-3150- AI43)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/12/2011 SECY-10-0166 Third Report on Status of Licensing for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 PDF Icon      
01/12/2011 SECY-10-0165 Staff’s Approach to Comprehensive Revision to 10 CFR Part 61 (SRM M100617B) PDF Icon      
01/12/2011 SECY-10-0164 Annual Review of the Need For Rulemaking or Regulatory Guidance on Extended Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage PDF Icon      
01/07/2011 SECY-11-0004 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 31, 2010 PDF Icon      
01/05/2011 COMWDM-10-0002 Interactive Learning Center for White Flint Headquarters Complex PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/05/2011 SECY-11-0001 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 24, 2010 PDF Icon      
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012