Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Branch (IPS) executes HQMC responsibilities concerning Marine Corps participation in Department of Defense (DoD) cryptologic activities, SIGINT activities, and serves as the DIRINT point of contact for issues related to ground EW, intelligence support to Information Operations (IO) and SIGINT systems architecture. IPS provides liaison officers to the National Security Agency (NSA).


  • Coordinate with NSA/CSS and Naval Security Group to ensure that appropriate SIGINT support and technical guidance is provided to Marine Corps operating forces.
  • Participate in OSD, Joint Staff, and IC actions concerning SIGINT, EW, IO, intelligence system technical architectures and interoperability standards.
  • Provide assistance to MCCDC in identifying requirements for SIGINT, ground EW, intelligence support to IO and intelligence systems technical architectures.
  • Serve as the primary Marine Corps points of contact for intelligence communications.
  • Provide or coordinate Marine Corps representation to external committees and working groups addressing SIGINT, IO and intelligence systems technical architectures.
  • Serve as the Marine Corps representative to OSD, the Joint Staff, the NSA/CSS, the Service Crytologic Elements and other DoD agencies for all policy matters involving SIGINT.
  • Review doctrine and policy that affect SIGINT, Ground EW, intelligence support to IO and intelligence systems technical architectures.
  • Coordinate Marine Corps participation in NSA MIP and CCP resources.
  • Conduct liaison with the NSA.

Branch Head, Signals Intel/Electronic Warfare
COMM:  703.693.9224
DSN: 223
(HQMC Code:  IP/IPS)

  • Plans Officer
    COMM:  703.695.1053 
    DSN:  225
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • Programs Officer
    COMM:  703.697.2923
    DSN:  227
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • Programs Chief
    COMM:  703.693.5415 
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • SCI Communication Chief
    COMM:  703.693.5417 
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • SIGINT/EW Architecture
    COMM:  703.695.7578 
    DSN:  225
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • Cyber/SNO Specialist
    COMM:  703.693.5416 
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • Intel Specialist
    COMM:  703.693.5415 
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/ IPS)
  • Support to IO/EW
    COMM:  703.693.5418 
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code:  IP/ IPS)