Animal Medicine 


Army veterinarian vaccinating animal in the field

Animal Medicine topics are an integral part of USAPHC’s public health mission and affect DoD personnel’s daily lives – Military Working Dogs protection during deployment, zoonotic diseases such as rabies, and animal diseases of military interest or significance such as foot and mouth disease (FMD).  Animal Medicine topics also impact DoD families' daily lives, which includes animal family members.

The Animal Medicine pages contain information on:

          - Animal Disease and Zoonoses

          - Animal Operations in Support of Other Agencies

          - Veterinary Treatment Facility Operations

          - Animal Import/Export Requirements

          - Veterinary Medical Standardization Board (VMSB)

          - Veterinary Services Central Fund (VSCF)

          - Veterinary Treatment Facility Interactive Map

          - Working Animals

Questions regarding Animal Medicine may be directed to U.S. Army Public Health Command (USAPHC), Army Institute of Public Health (AIPH), Veterinary Services Portfolio, Clinical Veterinary Medicine Program, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.



Animal Disease and Zoonoses

Animal Diseases play an important role in public health.  Zoonotic diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans or humans to animals.  Over 60-70% of animal diseases are zoonotic diseases; and over the past 30 years, approximately 75% of emerging infectious diseases have been zoonotic.  Animal Diseases are also important to consider because of economic (food) and potential ... (more)

Animal Operations in Support of Other Agencies

Animal Operations in Support of Other Agencies contains information about topics that the US Army Veterinary Services is not directly responsible for but serves in an advisory or consultant capacity. It includes but is not limited to information about support to other federal agencies regarding topics such as disaster response assistance, installation stray animal control and wildlife programs, re... (more)

Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) Operations

Army Veterinary Treatment Facilities (VTFs) provide veterinary medical care to government-owned animals and to pets owned by personnel authorized DoD medical care, in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) regulations. The level of veterinary medical care available through each facility depends upon the level of professional and civilian staffing.... (more)

Working Animals

Working Animals are an important and often unrecognized part of operational military success.  Military Working Dogs (MWDs) are highly valuable force protection assets on the battlefield and at home station.  The U.S. Navy Marine Mammal System program employs dolphins and sea lions for port security activities.  Due to growing and varying operational needs, contract working dogs and horses have be... (more)