Monthly Archives: May 2012

There’s More to Restoration Than Planting Trees

Groundcover in longleaf pine ecosystems Discussions about longleaf pine restoration tend to focus on replanting trees and using prescribed fire, but ecosystem restoration also involves bringing back the groundcover that makes longleaf pine forests some of the richest plant communities on Earth. “The groundcover of the longleaf pine forest is truly extraordinary,” says Joan Walker, … Continue reading »

Categories: Fire, Longleaf Pines, Restoration | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off

From One Forest to Another

    Some of the most intense ecosystem management in the United States happens behind the secure gates of our military bases.  Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base in North Carolina may not evoke thoughts of scenic streams and woodlands, but managers there are, in many ways, leading the charge for restoring diverse native ecosystems. They’re undertaking … Continue reading »

Categories: Longleaf Pines, Restoration | Tags: | Comments Off

Guidelines for Regenerating Southern Pine Beetle Spots

  Guidelines for Regenerating Southern Pine Beetle Spots, a new general technical report (GTR) just published by the Southern Research Station (SRS),  provides detailed guidance for regenerating pines in areas within forest stands where trees have been killed by southern pine beetle. Authored by scientists from two units located in Pineville, Louisiana—the SRS Restoring and … Continue reading »

Categories: Insects and Diseases, Longleaf Pines, Restoration, Southern Pines | Tags: | Comments Off