Urban Forests

What Trees Offer City Dwellers

  Urban parks and forests may well be the only “nature” that many Americans experience, and the first contact that many children have with the great outdoors. Forming that connection in the urban forest may be a first step towards a hike in a national forest. And there many more benefits from urban trees than … Continue reading »

Categories: Urban Forests | Comments Off

New Tools for Urban Foresters

                          Across the southeastern United States, rapid urbanization is transforming previously rural areas and creating new environmental challenges. Desoto County, Mississippi, is emblematic of these changes: since 1970, its population has increased by 430 percent, from 36,000 people in 1970 to 159,000 in … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Ethics & Values, Urban Forests | Tags: , , | Comments Off

Dealing With Trees Damaged by Hurricanes

Hurricanes bring winds that can exceed 125 miles per hour, heavy rain, and flooding—any or all of which can damage trees. Although some damage can be seen immediately, some effects of structural damage to trees may not become apparent for years. On the other hand, what may initially seem like mortal damage—all the leaves blown … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Landowners, Southern Pines, Threats, Urban Forests | Tags: | Comments Off