Monthly Archives: June 2012

Supporting Forest Inventory Further South

  Peruvian and Colombian stakeholder study tour in Knoxville, TN A group of nine forest inventory stakeholders from Peru and Colombia visited the Southern Research Station Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) research unit (SRS FIA) in Knoxville, TN, from May 14 to 17.  Accompanying them were personnel from the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Inventory & Analysis | Tags: | Comments Off

Combatting Illegal Logging in Peru

In Peru, the USDA Forest Service is currently collaborating with the Government and counterparts to enhance forest sector governance and promote legal trade in timber products.The work is vital in helping the country to comply with the obligations detailed in the Environment Chapter and Annex on Forest Sector Governance  (the Annex) of the US-Peru Trade … Continue reading »

Categories: Ethics & Values, Forest Inventory & Analysis | Tags: , , | Comments Off

Saving the Genetic Treasures of Southern Forests

People have saved seeds since the dawn of agriculture, but scientists at the Southern Research Station (SRS) are doing something new: combining modern genetics and the silvicultural strategy of seed orchards to preserve the genetic heritage of the South’s most at risk- and most ecologically important trees. Trees across the Southeast face exotic pests, shrinking ranges … Continue reading »

Categories: Climate Change, Genetics, Restoration | Tags: , | Comments Off