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National Weather Service GIS - AWIPS Shapefile Database

This page contains links to some of the shapefiles that the NWS uses as base maps in the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS). Many of these shapefiles are used by NWS partners and customers in their own operations. If you are looking for weather data that are compatable with GIS software go to this link for access.

NWS also has weather data available in shapefile, KML and OGC web services use this link to navigate to this data page
NWSM Libraries Hydrologic Libraries Cities and Urban Areas

County Warning Area Boundaries
(Source: NWSM 10-507)

Public Zone Boundaries
(Source: NWSM 10-507)

Coastal and Offshore Marine Zones
(Source: NWSM 10-302)

Fire Weather Zone Boundaries
(Source: WFOs and Regional HQ)

River Forecast Center Boundries
(Source: NOHRSC)

River Basins
(Source: NOHRSC)

Rivers and Streams (Source: NOHRSC)

HSA Boundaries
(Source: CWA and river basin boundaries)

Cities (Source: FSL, Census, GNIS)

Urban Boundaries (Source: TIGER 2000)

Misc. Data

Public Forecast Zone-County Correlation File (Source: County and Public Zones shapefiles)

CONUS Digital Terrain (Source: NGDC DTM [30 arcsec], extracted from WFO-Advanced, Jul 97)

Basemap data from NOHRSC

States, Provinces & Counties GIS Resources Utilities, Tools, Msc.

U.S. States and Territories
(Source: Census TIGER 2000)

U.S. Counties
(Source: Census TIGER 2000)

NWS Regions (Source: U.S. States)

Canadian Provinces
(Source: Natural Resources Canada, Nunavut Planning Commission)

Central Region GIS - Accessible only within NWS. Contains useful GIS resource info.

NOAA GIS - a community GIS page for all of NOAA

Edit Cities with ArcGIS 8/9 How to edit the AWIPS city shapefile using ArcGIS 8/9.


Data Conversion, Map Editing Utilities
(Free software for file conversion to/from various formats and ArcView map editing utility extensions and scripts)

NWS GIS Mailing List
(For NOAA/NWS Users Only)

AWIPS Shapefile Status
info about shapefiles for AWIPS users

These free programs allow the user to view and in some cases, edit shapefiles*

Gaia Gaia - A viewer from The Carbon Project supporting shapefiles and OGC web services,
Udig uDig - User friendly Desktop Internet GIS. An open source free viewer for shapefiles and web services.
openJump OpenJump - Java based open source Shapefile reader/writer.
Esri Esri ArcGIS Explorer Desktop - Supports shapefiles, KML/KMZ, GeoTiff, and OGC Web services among others.

*NOTE: The Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and National Weather Service do not endorse any particular product, company, information provider, or content on referenced sites.

Other useful Links:

Vdatum - Vertical and horizontal datum converter from NOAA

degrib - Converts GRIB 2 data to point or polygon shapefiles from NOAA


    US Dept of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    National Weather Service
    1325 East West Highway
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
    Page Author: NWS Internet Services Team
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     Page last Modified: 14 March, 2012 7:38 AM