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McMorris Rodgers Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Law


While Law Might Be Constitutional, it’s Still Unworkable;

Congress Will Continue “Repeal & Replace” Strategy;

Time Has Come for Common Sense Reform

Washington, D.C. –After being inside the Supreme Court for their historic ruling on the health care reform law, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement:

“As a mom with two young children, a wife who helps balance the family budget, and someone who helped run a family-owned small business, I am disappointed the Supreme Court has decided to uphold ObamaCare – especially the individual mandate, which is an unprecedented expansion of government power.  The health care law that passed Congress over the will of the American people two years ago was a disastrous law that raised costs, made it harder for small businesses to hire employees, and cut Medicare, among other things.  Now, after months of deliberation, the Supreme Court has ruled that while the law might be unworkable, it’s not unconstitutional. While I do not agree with the Court’s decision, I respect it and encourage others to do the same.  The Court’s ruling will have no impact on Congress’ continuing efforts to repeal the law.  In fact, we are more determined than ever to repeal it and replace it with something better.

“Instead of celebrating, President Obama should recognize the inherent problems with his law and work with Republicans to find better solutions.  Together, we should implement a series of common-sense, step-by-step reforms that will put patients in charge of their health care decisions and use the principles of choice and competition to expand access, lower costs, and improve quality.” 

Rep. McMorris Rodgers voted against the health care reform law in 2010, and voted to repeal it in 2011.  She signed the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)’s amicus brief in support of Florida’s challenge to the health care law. 

