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McMorris Rodgers Opposes President's Decision to Reject Keystone Project

“A Disappointing Day;
What Happened to ‘America Can’t Wait’ for Jobs?”


Washington, D.C. – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement today after President Obama formally rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline Project.

“I am extremely disappointed in the President’s decision to reject the Keystone Pipeline.  This is a project that has bipartisan support, would create 100,000 jobs, and would reduce our dangerous dependence on Mideast oil.  There is no valid reason for the President to reject the will of the American people – including business leaders, labor unions, and foreign policy experts – and derail this job-creating, shovel-ready project.  The President himself has said that America ‘can’t wait’ for pro-growth legislation, and yet he continually delayed making a decision on the pipeline before inexplicably killing it.  The American people – who are already suffering from near-record unemployment and rising energy prices – deserve better than this type of ‘leadership.’  Despite this setback, House Republicans will continue to advocate for pro-growth and pro-energy policies.  Keystone will remain part of those policies.”

Rep. McMorris Rodgers was an original co-sponsor of H.R. 1938 and H.R. 3548 – and, more recently, a strong advocate of H.R. 3765 – all of which required President Obama to make a final decision about the Keystone Project.  She also sent a letter last month to President Obama, in which she and her colleagues urged him to approve the Keystone Project if he wanted to be serious about job creation.   

Rep. McMorris Rodgers discussed Keystone at today’s House Republican Leadership press conference, which took place before the announcement.  To watch her remarks, click here.