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McMorris Rodgers Attacks Senate Failures at Leadership Press Conference

Washington, DC – With the Senate scheduled to go out of session tomorrow, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, highlighted the Senate’s failures and the House’s achievements during today’s House Republican Leadership press conference. 

With the Senate’s adjournment, a host of critical issues – from extending the current tax rates to passing a budget to passing pro-growth legislation – will move to the “lame-duck” session of Congress after the election, fueling more uncertainty among America’s job creators and holding back America’s economic recovery.  A transcript of her remarks is below.  To watch the video, click here

“Speaker Boehner often asks the question, ‘Where are the jobs?’  To answer that question, we may need to ask another question, which is ‘Where is the Senate?’ 

“We’re approaching the end of this Congress – the 112th Congress – and there’s one body that’s passed a budget.  That’s us, in the House. 

“There’s one body that’s taken action on dozens of jobs bills.

 “There’s one body that’s extended the current tax rates.

“There’s one body that’s taken action to protect our national security.

“So we ask, ‘Where is the Senate?’  And where is the leadership?

“President Obama has the worst jobs record of any President since Hoover.  He’s added more to our debt than any President in history. 

“The House has acted during the 112th Congress.  We have taken action.  We have been responsible.  We have been putting forward our solutions. 

“Unfortunately, the Senate has backed up the President.  They’ve protected the President.  And so many of these decisions now are going to be delayed until the ‘lame-duck’ session. 

“And we’re going to be ready.  We’re going to be ready with constructive, positive solutions.  We’re going to be ready with the solutions that get Americans back to work, get our economy growing, address the debt, and make sure the American Dream stays alive for the next generation.”