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Witness Justice Video Starring John Walsh
Witness Justice Video Starring John Walsh
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Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Violence and Trauma on Children was the focus of a recent Congressional briefing hosted by WJ, with the Coalition Addressing Trauma. The vibrant discussion and issue brief will be followed with concrete steps for change. Stay tuned!

Join the Coalition Addressing Trauma, an independent advocacy effort created to harness the collective strength of consumers/survivors, organizations, agencies, corporations, coalitions, others to advance meaningful systemic changes for trauma survivors on a national scale. You can participate via Facebook, our YahooGroup and/or your organization can join for free by contacting CATrauma@witnessjustice.org.

How Healthy is Your Dating Relationship is a questionnaire that college students, or others who are concerned about a college student, answer to check on the wellness of a dating relationship. This effort stems from an issue brief, Addressing IPV on College Campuses, developed by WJ and the GlassBook Project, supported by DHHS’ Office on Women’s Health, Region II.

WJ President & CEO Helga Luest named in the 2011 Top Ten Most Interesting People in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area, D.C. Spotlight newspaper. Luest was also awarded the distinguished U.S. Congressional Eva Murillo Unsung Hero Award for her innovation, efficacy and advocacy in April 2011.

GlassBook Project, noted as one of the top mental health innovations in the country, is an artwork of Nick Kline, done in collaboration with WJ. With a focus on responses to trauma that are often misunderstood, student artists create books made of glass from the survivor’s perspective. The books are then exhibited across the country to build understanding, while breaking through stigma and discrimination. Visit our Facebook group for the latest news and information.

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Witness Justice, PO Box 2516, Rockville, MD 20847-2516, 301.846.9110, info@witnessjustice.org

Last Updated on November 15, 2011


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