Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers


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Welcome to Families USA!
Since 1982, Families USA has worked to promote high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

The Medicaid program remains under fire at both the federal and state level. See the Medicaid Defense Center to learn more. At the same time, states that plan to expand Medicaid coverage in 2014 have much to do to prepare. See the Medicaid Expansion Center for details.

From Families USA

Five Key Elements of a Consumer-Friendly Exchange lists aspects of design and implementation that those working on exchanges should consider to best meet the needs of consumers. (February 2013)

The January 2013 Budget Deal: The American Taxpayer Relief Act and Medicaid explains how the law that was signed on New Year's Day to avert the fiscal cliff affects Medicaid and other programs for low-income people. (February 2013)

The 2013 New Year's Budget Deal and Medicaid: The Next Cliff explains how the deal that averted the fiscal cliff affects Medicaid. It also discusses additional upcoming threats to Medicaid and what advocates can do to protect the program. (January 2013)

Consumer-Friendly Standards for Qualified Health Plans in Exchanges: Examples from the States outlines the minimum standards for qualified health plans as set out in the Affordable Care Act. It then provides examples from eight state-based exchanges and one partnership exchange state on how to implement those standards in consumer-friendly ways. (January 2013)

Designing Consumer-Friendly Health Homes discusses six key decisions that states need to make when they set up Health Homes. It also explains the challenges that state advocates should address to ensure that Health Homes improve care for Medicaid beneficiaries. (January 2013)

Help Wanted: Preparing Navigators and Other Assisters to Meet New Consumer Needs explains the requirements for navigator programs and answers seven key questions that states will face as they seek to establish effective navigator programs. It is available as an online tool kit and as a PDF. (Updated January 2013)

Filling in Gaps in Consumer Assistance: How Exchanges Can Use Assisters explains the key differences between navigator and assister programs and how in-person assistance can function in the different types of exchanges. It also recommends actions advocates can take. (Updated January 2013)

More Resources

Health Homes in Medicaid: Challenges and Opportunities for Advocates (November 2012)

The Medicaid Upgrade: Required and Optional Medicaid Eligibility Changes for 2014 (November 2012)

Go to Publications by Date for a complete list of publications by year.

Medicaid Expansion Center
Get your state ready for 2014
Medicaid Defense Center:
Help fight budget cuts

Conservatives in Congress continue to push for cuts in health care. Follow the latest developments.

Resources on the Affordable Care Act and the protections that are already in place.

Supreme Court Watch
Information on the June 28 ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

Videos from Families USA

The Consumer Assistance Programs Resource Center includes state profiles and information on best practices. l  Program Locator

Conference Calls for State Advocates:
Listen to calls from the 2012 series.

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