Posts Tagged With: southern Appalachians

Climate Change Projected to Alter Indiana Bat Maternity Range

Research by U.S. Forest Service scientists forecasts profound changes over the next 50 years in the summer range of the endangered Indiana bat, one of many eastern bat species whose numbers are already decreasing due to white-nose syndrome and other factors. In an article published in the journal Ecology and Evolution, Forest Service Southern Research … Continue reading »

Categories: Climate Change, Fish & Wildlife | Tags: , , | Comments Off

CAFMS Hosts Smoke in the Mountains Workshop

Smoke Management in the Southern Appalachians February 28, 2012, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bent Creek Training Facility, Asheville, NC Organized by the Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists (CAFMS), this course will examine some of the challenges faced when trying to manage smoke in mountainous terrain. A primary focus will be highlighting the … Continue reading »

Categories: Restoration | Tags: , , | Comments Off

An Evening Burn to Restore Mountain Forests

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the Southern Research Station(SRS) have been cooperating for over 10 years to study prescribed burning in the Southern Appalachian Mountains on state-owned Green River Game Land in Polk County, NC.  The afternoon and evening of January 31, crews burned study plots on the Green River Game Land … Continue reading »

Categories: Fire, Restoration, Upland Hardwoods | Tags: , | Comments Off