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Working Groups


Team Development Wheel

                                                        Forming: milling, confusion, polite, purposeless
Storming: conflict, frustration, resistance, cliques
Norming: cohesion, purpose, feedback, relevancy
Performing: creative, trusting, effective, confident

Recognize which phase of team development you are in and take positive action to work through.

Note: There can be an additional phase — “Adjourning” — when the team disbands, says good bye, and reflects on lessons learned. This is a “celebration” phase.

This diagram is based on Dr. Bruce Tuckman’s 1965 study of small groups, which identified the traditional five phases experienced by project work teams.

Typical Working Groups

  • Logistics Support Management Team (LSMT)
  • Test and Evaluation Working Group (TEWG)
  • Computer Resources Working Group (CRWG)
  • Requirements Interface Working Group
  • Interface Control Working Group (ICWG)
  • Technology Assessment Working Group
  • “Tiger” Team
  • Process Action Team (PAT)
  • Integrated Product and Process Teams (IPPTs)

Management Tradeoffs for Working Groups


  • More ideas and solutions
  • Consensus positions
  • Strong commitments


  • Takes more time
  • Hard to terminate
  • Paralysis by analysis

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Date CreatedTuesday, July 7, 2009 2:28 PM
Date ModifiedTuesday, July 20, 2010 6:00 PM
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